2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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I have quite a bit to respond to, particularly the thoughtful posts by bolehboleh.

However, I don't have that kind of time right now, so I will just put up this article. One more despicable, indefensible decision by the Obama administration. I'm so disgusted with the priorities of the Left. It's almost hard to believe they would do this, but when you see the way liberals have been disrespecting the American flag, I guess I'm not surprised. It comes from the top. Yuck.


But remember we only care about soldiers while they are serving, after that, fuck 'em.

Just this past October, Senate Republicans passed the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill which cut $857 million from programs that benefit veterans, but had no problem increasing funding for missile programs

In April 2015, President Obama actually had to threaten the GOP with a veto after House Republicans attempted to cut benefits for 70,000 veterans, which included money for education, prosthetic research, and veteran’s cemeteries. Overall, the cuts amounted to $1.4 billion. The Veteran’s Affairs Funding Bill of 2015 really should have been called the “Screw You, Veterans Bill of 2015.”

Other pieces of legislation offered by Democrats that would have provided much needed aid to veterans across the country have been killed by Republicans over the years, including the Women Veterans and Families Health Services Act, which would have helped veterans and their spouses seek counseling and fertility treatments.

Another veterans bill that was killed by Republicans was offered up by Senator Bernie Sanders in 2014 that would have expanded healthcare and education funding for veterans. But the GOP blocked the bill by attaching sanctions on Iran to it. This is perhaps the most egregious block of any veterans bill since Reuters reported at the time that it would have created 27 new veterans hospitals to deal with the increased load of wounded veterans coming back from war. These hospitals could help prevent suicides because it would cut down on the wait times veterans are dealing with and give them hope that Congress actually cares about them.

Remember the Veterans Job Corps Act of 2012? Republicans don’t. Because they blocked the bill and never gave it a second thought even though it would have provided jobs to more than 20,000 veterans to help improve their own communities.

Republicans also killed a bill way back in 2010 that would have helped homeless veterans, including those with children.
Off Topic Political information Is Washington rigged? FBI & Hillary
Drominent Democrat Connected To Clintons Donated $675,000 To Campaign Of Deputy FBI Director's Wife

by Tyler Durden

Oct 24, 2016 10:01 AM

The latest allegation of potential impropriety and conflict of interest involving the Democratic Party and the FBI, which over the summer famously cleared Hillary Clinton of any criminal wrongdoing as relates to her personal email server, comes not from a Podesta email or a Wikileaks disclosure, but the WSJ which overnight reported that the political organization of Virginia Govenor Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use.

Campaign finance records show Mr. McAuliffe’s political-action committee donated $467,500 to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, now the deputy director of the FBI.


Tyler Durden? Really?

Ignore the message, ignore the information, attack the source. Democrat playbook in full swing.

I realize how much people hate Trump, but to continuously apologize for a family that should be rotting in jail for treason is SICK. The Clintons are the single most corrupt political couple of all time.

I mean, this is the same family that ripped off HAITI, the WORLD'S POOREST COUNTRY, POST DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKE! Hillary has among the lowest set of morals of anybody on Earth. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/15/us/politics/hillary-clinton-haiti.html?_r=0

(by the way, that's a NEW YORK TIMES article, so there goes your entire set of arguments for ignoring it)

I wish somebody would put this thread out of its misery.
Hey check this. That NY Times article? It's a fact-filled legit criticism of Senator Clinton. There are probably hundreds of similar ones out there. I've probably linked to dozens of them during the primaries. Feel free to post them all day long.

I am curious what the folks of Haiti think of the idea of a Trump presidency. It's not covered in that article.
I am curious what the folks of Haiti think of the idea of a Trump presidency. It's not covered in that article.

Trump didn't personally screw over their country to enrich himself. I'm not saying he wouldn't have if given the chance. I'm just saying he wasn't given that chance and thus didn't, while she did.

That has been my biggest problem with this election. So many accusations of all the things Trump would (probably/likely) do, while ignoring that Hillary already HAS DONE most of those things.

"I think this person would probably kick everybody in the nuts. So based on that assumption, I am going to instead vote for this other person and pretend she hasn't already kicked the last 1000 people she came across directly in the nuts. Cause I sure would hate to be kicked in the nuts and KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that he's the kind of person who would do it, even though he hasn't actually been in that specific situation I JUST KNOW. Stop deflecting to her. All those hours of video of her kicking people in the nuts are unsubstantiated. If he was the one in that position he would kick people in the nuts so much harder. I just know it. Everything she HAS ALREADY DONE IN PUBLIC OFFICE is completely irrelevant compared to what I THINK HE WILL DO."

I mean, I get it. He'll probably kick you in the nuts. For sure. But making an assumption with even 99% certainty is not the same as having 100% ALREADY DONE IT. It seems dangerous to try to pass off assumptions about one side as facts, while brushing off actual facts about the other side.

She stole from Haiti. She paid off people in the fbi to make her probably the first person to ever receive leniency for that type of email playing around with national secrets bs. The democratic primary was rigged for her with Debbie Wasserman Schultz leading the way. Whether or not Trump would *probably* do the same thing in that position, SHE ACTUALLY DID IT. IT'S NOT CONJECTURE. IT'S NOT OPINION. SHE HAS BROKEN OUR TRUST AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. Quid pro quo. Pay for play. She did it. She's guilty. Everybody knows she's guilty. You're giving her a pass because "at least she isn't Trump" but here's a newsflash: SHE'S WORSE.

Either way, the oligarchy owns us, this election has been an embarrassment of epic proportions, and we are probably heading down the shoots regardless of who wins.

20 Trillion dollars in Debt
China beginning to reclaim the south pacific.
200+ Trillion in Social & Security & Medicare.

In 5-10 more years you won't even recognize America anymore:
There will be RICH ZONES and POOR ZONES
Boston, SF, NYC, Chicago are Rich Zone
Detroit/Flint/ rest of America Poor Zones
I voted for Hillary (absentee ballot), but it's not one of my prouder moments in voting. Just think, if the GOP hadn't been the party of "no" for so long, and they actually nominated someone worth voting for, they'd stand a chance in this election. With all of the allegations against Clinton (many of them true, many are not) Trump is still an incompetent boob and a worse choice for president.

Had the GOP been smart enough to nominate someone with some level of competence such as John Kasich or (dare I say) Rand Paul, the GOP would be taking over the White House. Sure, I'm not thrilled with Hillary Clinton, but the GOP has accomplished an amazing feat - they're actually a worse fucking party than the Democrats. They should win some sort of an award for such an accomplishment.

All the GOP had to do was occasionally work towards the good of the country (as opposed to strengthening their brand) instead of simply blocking everything Obama proposed, they might actually be looking at the presidency. As an American who sincerely wants the two sides to work together, I can confidently place the blame more on one side than the other for the inability of the Congress to get anything done. It kills me to have to vote for the lesser of many evils, but until the GOP becomes more "Charlie Baker" and less "Donald Trump" and "Ted Cruz," sadly I'm going to have to vote Dem every time.
I'm w/ ya bolehboleh...remember, the GOP is the party that said "we want the president to be a failure" with regard to Obama taking office. In saying that, they placed themselves ahead of their country - this always needs to be about our country. Any party that is more about hate, than about their country, deserves to lose. We may disagree on things, but to want the president to fail is lunacy.
until the GOP becomes more "Charlie Baker" and less "Donald Trump" and "Ted Cruz," sadly I'm going to have to vote Dem every time.

I'm curious as to whether or not you voted for Romney (for president).
For some reason Obama and Hillary haven't learned from the mistakes we made in Iraq and Libya, and are intent on creating another power-vacuum in Syria. Of course, since the Russians stand on the other side, we are risking WW3.

Here's a HUFFINGTON POST article about it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-friedman/germany-warns-of-the-dang_b_12565994.html

For a while I was really struggling between Hillary and Trump. (knowing that 1 is, 100%, going to win the election... Gary and whoever are afterthoughts) One of my main criteria is that I want the world to survive long enough for me to see Boston's skyline reach its potential. I was leaning towards Hillary on that front, but the more I hear, the more it sounds like she is the one most likely to get us killed in a nuclear war, and not Trump. Shocking on its face, but with the way Obama/Kerry/Hillary have shit on Russia every step of the way, it really isn't so shocking after all.

What IS shocking is that Trump is our better hope at maintaining world stability. The next administration needs to warm things back up with Russia. This current crop of Democrats have proven incapable of doing that. When the threat is WORSE than anything during the Cold War, that is a problem and I can't stand behind that bs as an American. I love our country's ideals, but cannot/will not condone our government's horrendous foreign policy. Obama has proven to be, quite likely, the worst foreign policy president of all time.
Forget this Republican VS Democrat crap. Both parties SUCK--

The reason for the destruction of the Republican party is because they are a bunch of hypocrites about believing in small Govt. And its mostly the Republican Elite, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Romney and the rest of the hacks that have made fortunes being in Govt by war profiteering all over this planet.

The Democrats are like parasites to the working class. They are hypocrites and they have not balanced a budget since Bill Clinton after the dot.com mania.

There is not a doubt in my mind that Hilary Clinton will lead this country to WWIII that is what the Globalists want. American cannot finance its Debt with rising interest rates and that is what the bankers will force Clinton to do. This is very scary stuff since Clinton takes orders she does not stand for the American people.
Trump would not get bullied into this type of non-sense. That is the difference Trump might have his own agenda but I strongly believe he does not answer to the bankers. The Democrats, Republicans ---take orders from their Banker Masters.
Early in the speech, he said that a global elite had “stripped” the United States of its wealth in order to line the pockets of corporate and political interests. “The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure,” he said.

“We’ve seen this firsthand in the WikiLeaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors,” he said, referring to the group that has, most recently, published thousands of hacked emails from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman.
“Whether intentionally or not, Donald Trump is evoking classic anti-Semitic themes that have historically been used against Jews and still reverberate today,” Jonathan Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, a group that fights discrimination, said in a statement.

Trump's popularity with the alt-right is probably the most disturbing part of this election for me. From the start, he should have been reputing these folks loudly and clearly. Instead he seems to leaning on them and co-oping their language. This represents a giant step backwards in American progress.
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