2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Trump's popularity with the alt-right is probably the most disturbing part of this election for me. From the start, he should have been reputing these folks loudly and clearly. Instead he seems to leaning on them and co-oping their language. This represents a giant step backwards in American progress.

Maybe if the Democrats actually put a nominee that actually had sometype of honor in them then maybe we would not be at this point.

The problem is Washington has made a mockery out of the people by supporting unlimited amounts of bailouts to the bankers and Unions then nominating Hilary Clinton a criminal who has only worsen the Middle-east scenario.

Bottom-Line---between Bush & Obama not one banker has seens jail time.
Another Gov Agency that is a waste of Taxpayer dollars.

Banker fines? Only paid back by the Taxpayers money through their bailouts.
What about filing criminal charges?
What about following our nation's bankruptcy laws?

The system is not representing Justice it only favors the political elite.
There are ways to talk about large banks and the power they wield over our economy without resorting to conspiracy-speak.

I do not understand how it is that financial institutions could think that they could take taxpayer money and then turn around and act like it's business as usual. I don't understand how they can't see that the world has changed in a fundamental way, that it is not business as usual when you take taxpayer dollars.

It is critical that the American people, and not just their financial institutions, be represented at the negotiating table

If the big banks expect to buy influence when they give money to favored think tanks, then the public has a right to know. If the big banks don't expect to buy influence and are merely making charitable contributions, then their shareholders have a right to know. Either way, there's no excuse for keeping these payments secret.

We need to hold Wall Street accountable for issuing the kinds of deceptive loans that nearly brought our economy to its knees in 2008.
There are ways to talk about large banks and the power they wield over our economy without resorting to conspiracy-speak.

Conspiracy theory? What are talking about.
The good old USA is BANKRUPT---Its right in front of your eyes.
20 Trillion dollar National Debt
100 or 200+Trillion in Unfunded Liabilities (Social Security & Medicare)
Interest rates remain for the last 8 years at record lows.
QE1, QE2, QE3--continuing of printing endless money on the backs of United States Working class/Taxpayers.

These are FACTS
The Fed can't raise Interest rates: It's Game over
There is No more Real Economy its not backed by anything. The banks only lend to the rich or their inside friends to just print money to make bets that are either winners or losers. It doesn't matter the outcome they just keep printing.
This is what is creating the Income Inequality in our Nation against the hardworking productive class of American Taxpayers. Printing money and low interest rates, tax breaks and incentives for the corporations only to make their shitty products in China or Mexico, India to sell back to US Citizens.

Something is going to give here and I don't believe the bankers are going to file bankruptcy. What they need is war to inflate the Debt away.

This is why we continue in the Middle-East.
I was referring to using words like "globalists" and "elite world bankers". As the NYT article I linked above pointed out, those terms are loaded down with a disturbing history. I'm sure you probably don't have an anti-semitic bone in your body so I thought you would want the heads up so you can avoid being associated with those who are.
I was referring to using words like "globalists" and "elite world bankers". As the NYT article I linked above pointed out, those terms are loaded down with a disturbing history. I'm sure you probably don't have an anti-semitic bone in your body so I thought you would want the heads up so you can avoid being associated with those who are.

Listen I grew in Boston since the 70's---That is my generation.
I don't care if your Black, White, Green, blue, Red, Hindu, Buddist, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Atheist, Greek, European, townie, or Alien.
There are good people and bad people/ That's it. Everybody has their differences because of their surroundings of being brought up.

Is the Globalists and Elite bankers a conspiracy? It could be. But observing decisions our politicans make at this point I just don't trust them anymore.

When the Govt leaders or agencies are calling Edward Snoward a traitor for telling the American People the truth they might really want to look in the mirror who the treasonous traitors are at this point.
I'm just saying you might want to use terms like 'large international corporations' instead of 'Globalists' and 'large banks' or 'financial institutions' instead of 'Elite World Bankers' as those terms have been hijacked by some pretty nasty people who you probably don't want to be associated with.
I'm just saying you might want to use terms like 'large international corporations' instead of 'Globalists' and 'large banks' or 'financial institutions' instead of 'Elite World Bankers' as those terms have been hijacked by some pretty nasty people who you probably don't want to be associated with.

You really believe this all ends like a fairly tale ending with the Debt load America is carrying? -- Oh, the bankers are going to say were sorry.

I'm just telling you how I see this. All this other hoopla is just noise.

The elephant in the room is the America's DEBT problem which Obama, Dems, Republicans are ignoring.

You see you can't give people free things in life. Its one thing in helping people that can't help themselves but when you start giving free things to people they feel like they are owed. That is the problem with our society which also falls from our leadership.
When the piper comes home to collect all those people receiving free stuff will revolt.
(It's human nature)
Let me try something. Squirrel beach totem rough. When touch quite for twelve is not. Usual from last youth why get ten. How vent right towards send word hats. And for forward got denim last real. Turtle front not get same year.
Thank you for that experiment. It confirms what we know about how this thread operates.
your readers
With the ACA falling apart, has Obama actually accomplished anything positive for America?


Remember this is the same act that was shoved through without anybody actually reading it first. (too long to read, we'll figure it out after we pass it) This passed strictly along party lines. One more case of Democrats doing what they "think is right" without actually putting any thought into the consequences. The consequences are continuing to kill the working class.

To those few of you still on the fence, don't forget that politics has always been the swinging pendulum. This keeps one party from staying entrenched in power to the point that they have irreversibly fucked up the country. If Hillary wins and gives 12 million illegals the right to vote Democrat, (as well as felons and countless others who weren't born here) the pendulum will never swing back. Note that even Massachusetts regularly keeps its balance with Republican governors. There are plenty of examples of failed states/cities where the pendulum hasn't swung in decades. On one side, you have many of the Red States in the South, which often come in near the back of the line in terms of statistics such as education. On the other hand, you have Blue Cities like Detroit and Baltimore, and we all know those aren't exactly model municipalities.

Make sure the pendulum can keep swinging!!! Keep the balance!!! Never Hillary!!!
I also want to be clear that I completely understand the need for limits on immigrants and refugees coming to the country. We need limits for a few reasons:

1. Too many (legal or illegal)immigrants can mean the loss of jobs for native born Americans
2. Too many immigrants can create a cultural shift that may be difficult for native born American to adapt to.

Both of these are fair points and they should be recognized when we are making our immigration policy. I don't believe that all people who want to limit the amount of immigrants who come to the country are necessarily xenophobic or bigoted. Sometimes they have valid reasons for their concern, and we can't be too quick to call them "racists" or "white trash."

As the same time, the complete dehumanization of refugees and migrants has got to fucking stop. Some of these right wing "America first" pundits talk about Syrians or Mexicans as if they're some inhuman creatures looking to destroy the very fabric of America. They fail to realize that these people are doing the same thing many Americans would do in the exact same situation.

Basically, what I'm saying is that a little understanding on both sides of the issue could go a long way.

Thank you. Imagine if DZH's xenophobia persisted during WWII and the US decided not take any Jewish refugees. I hope this a minority view, not a majority.
On the other hand, you have Blue Cities like Detroit and Baltimore, and we all know those aren't exactly model municipalities.
Yeah and failed towns who relied heavily on a dying industry like coal mining are model municipalities. GTFO. Industries come and go. If you're not willing to adapt to change then you get left in the dust. Fact of life. You can keep blaming the government that you lost your job or you can take up new skills that can get you a new job. The majority of the working class choose to sit and complain. I don't blame them. Most don't have access to resources that can help them acquire new skills but that's because most of them voted against government spending on education that could help them learn new skills. Sucks but you get what you vote for.
Yeah and failed towns who relied heavily on a dying industry like coal mining are model municipalities. GTFO. Industries come and go. If you're not willing to adapt to change then you get left in the dust. Fact of life. You can keep blaming the government that you lost your job or you can take up new skills that can get you a new job. The majority of the working class choose to sit and complain. I don't blame them. Most don't have access to resources that can help them acquire new skills but that's because most of them voted against government spending on education that could help them learn new skills. Sucks but you get what you vote for.

You're wrong here:
When the Federal Govt determines Policies and tax structures for the corporations along with the Federal Reserve bank determining Interest rate & Credit policy that determines the price and value of goods and services which determine the American peoples cost of living.

Our corporations moved to other countries to create slave labor and not pay healthcare costs because our Govt leaders let them.
This is what created income inequality.

The corporations goal is profits not people.
Politicans goals are to get re-elected which they need money from the corporations. So they change polices & regulations to favor the corporations.

And your trying to say the middleclass need to adapt? How can they adapt when the policies and regulations never favor them in the first place they only favor corporations?

United States Dollar plays a significant role in the worlds economy. Right now we are the reserve currency in the world. In the future we won't be.
Thank you. Imagine if DZH's xenophobia persisted during WWII and the US decided not take any Jewish refugees. I hope this a minority view, not a majority.

There's 15 MILLION Jews in the World, and 1.3 BILLION Chinese people. That's over 86 Chinese people per Jewish person. Right now, with the way Europe is going, Jewish people can basically be safe in Israel or the US. Obama has put Iran on the path to THE BOMB, which they will shoot at Israel the second they get it. (likely starting WW3 if we aren't already there yet)

Considering Israel is only the size of NJ, that would wipe the country out and 6 million out of the 15 million Jews. Considering the Jews have generally been hated for the past few thousand years, that would pave the path towards a second, fully successful holocaust.

On the other end, Chinese people do not share this same risk of being completely wiped out. Out of the 7.125 billion people on Earth, Chinese make up over 18%, while Jews make up about 0.2%. (that's one fifth of one percent)

You must feel like such a big man, having 86 people behind you for every 1 Jew. Just to show how much I think of your xenophobic bullshit accusations, I would gladly trade you straight up for 100,000 of your countrymen to come to the US. Unlike you, at least the rest of your country of 1.3 billion doesn't take an affront to a small 15 million population of people who are just trying to survive, after already having had over 1/3 wiped out by hate in a global event just last century. Most people hate the Jews, so at least you can pat yourself on the back by being in that majority, KentXie. Nobody spoke up for the Jews last time around. Don't act like "not being allowed to immigrate for a few years" is the same thing as 30-40% flat out murdered. I mean, you will, and you are, but you're wrong. Anti-semite hater. That's right, I said it. You're an anti-Semite bigot xenophobe who is picking on an at-risk population. So get the hell out of here, send back 100k of your countrymen, and I will show 100k times more tolerance to your people than you would ever show to mine.
Good article on immigration. Not terribly deep, but asks some difficult (non-PC!) questions and gives some good stats on Sweden.


This is a terrible article. It goes into absolutely no detail as to why immigrants from the Middle East have done poorly in Sweden. It just assumes that it is their culture. That's like me saying there's a lot of black players in the NBA because it's their culture excluding the fact that to many black people, basketball is often seen as a path to financial success since resources enjoyed by the wealthy such as high quality education that will open other paths to financial success are not available or accessible to them.

From what countries were these immigrants coming from? Are they coming from a war-torn country? Are they refugees? Did they escape from oppressive regimes that left them with nothing but scraps of clothes? How did the Swedish society accommodate them? Were there language barriers that acts a obstacle for these immigrants to quickly find jobs here? Were there resources provided to these immigrants that can help them be more successful or were they limited to mainly the native Swedes? Were there job discrimination against immigrants? This article answers none of these and just assumes that they are on welfare because they are from the Middle East.
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There's 15 MILLION Jews in the World, and 1.3 BILLION Chinese people. That's over 86 Chinese people per Jewish person. Right now, with the way Europe is going, Jewish people can basically be safe in Israel or the US. Obama has put Iran on the path to THE BOMB, which they will shoot at Israel the second they get it. (likely starting WW3 if we aren't already there yet)

Considering Israel is only the size of NJ, that would wipe the country out and 6 million out of the 15 million Jews. Considering the Jews have generally been hated for the past few thousand years, that would pave the path towards a second, fully successful holocaust.

On the other end, Chinese people do not share this same risk of being completely wiped out. Out of the 7.125 billion people on Earth, Chinese make up over 18%, while Jews make up about 0.2%. (that's one fifth of one percent)

You must feel like such a big man, having 86 people behind you for every 1 Jew. Just to show how much I think of your xenophobic bullshit accusations, I would gladly trade you straight up for 100,000 of your countrymen to come to the US. Unlike you, at least the rest of your country of 1.3 billion doesn't take an affront to a small 15 million population of people who are just trying to survive, after already having had over 1/3 wiped out by hate in a global event just last century. Most people hate the Jews, so at least you can pat yourself on the back by being in that majority, KentXie. Nobody spoke up for the Jews last time around. Don't act like "not being allowed to immigrate for a few years" is the same thing as 30-40% flat out murdered. I mean, you will, and you are, but you're wrong. Anti-semite hater. That's right, I said it. You're an anti-Semite bigot xenophobe who is picking on an at-risk population. So get the hell out of here, send back 100k of your countrymen, and I will show 100k times more tolerance to your people than you would ever show to mine.
I'm not even talking about Chinese people. I'm talking about xenophobia in general. And wow great you have a country. Native Americans don't even have a country of their own and there are fewer of them than there are Jewish people in the world so if you want to talk about numbers making more of an impact, I guess your concerns are negligible when compared to Native Americans (sarcasm in case this goes over your head). And I didn't say a single anti-semitic thing in any of my post. In fact the post you quoted shows that I am glad that your xenophobic belief didn't exist in the US during WWII because then the US wouldn't have accepted any Jewish refugees but way to go full potato. I'm against your xenophobia, not because of your Jewish background, and I can't be a xenophobe because I'm open to immigration of all people regardless of their background so before you call me a xenophobic bigot, pick up a dictionary and look up the definitions first otherwise you look and sound like a crazed dunce.
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I'm not even talking about Chinese people. I'm talking about xenophobia in general. And wow great you have a country. Native Americans don't even have a country of their own and there are fewer of them than there are Jewish people in the world so if you want to talk about numbers making more of an impact, I guess your concerns are negligible when compared to Native Americans.

So you're for a genocide of Jews but against a genocide of Native Americans. I applaud you for the latter point anyway. They too are an at-risk population, and although I don't know about the current levels of hatred against the tribes, what happened to them 300-400 years ago was awful.
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