2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Thanks. Your earlier quote about Baker reminded me (obviously) of Mitt. There's always the question as to whether Mitt was far right and modulating his views for MA, or if he was a centrist who went off the rails in order to win the national primary. Likely somewhere in the middle.

(Though to be clear, I voted against him at the state level as well.)


I actually like to call Hillary Clinton this year's "Mitt Romney." She's a centrist chameleon who will be just another status quo president. Despite all the nonsense we've learned about from her emails and everything we know about her, I had no choice but to vote for her this year. I'm not voting for the person. I'm voting for her because she belongs to a shitty and corrupt political party that kinda sorta reflects my own views on how the country should operate. That compared to the other shitty and corrupt party that doesn't really reflect my views. Hell, I was saying back in June that the only thing worse than a Donald Trump presidency would be a Ted Cruz presidency.

, I had no choice but to vote for her this year. I'm not voting for the person. I'm voting for her because she belongs to a shitty and corrupt political party that kinda sorta reflects my own views on how the country should operate. That compared to the other shitty and corrupt party that doesn't really reflect my views. Hell, I was saying back in June that the only thing worse than a Donald Trump presidency would be a Ted Cruz presidency.

Gee. At least go 3rd party. Either your drinking the cool aide or you really have warped views in life.

I could never support a Criminal who has only enriched herself by becoming a Multi-millionaire on the backs of the American working class Taxpayers by sacrificing other American lives. Clintons have no SOUL.

I'm more bothered by the rest of the Democrats in office supporting this type of character to run for president. Is the Democrat party that PHONY they have no moral compass for the working class families who are just trying to get their children through college (which is completely inflated by 1000%) But no inflation.

I think you need to look in the mirror and get a better understanding on who you support for President of the United States.

I personally and not impressed with TRUMP character overall but I believe he will take down this corrupt system to its knees.
Well I for one can't in good conscience vote for any of the third party candidates because each of them also has some pretty ridiculous ideas that they are pushing and I don't love Hillary, but at least her proposals and her failing don't include not knowing what Aleppo is like Gary Johnson or that vaccines might be dangerous which is a comment and point Jill Stein has brought up multiple times.

Yeah and along with bringing the "system" to its knees Trump's policies would bring the economy to its knees as well and he would also be a major problem for our foreign relations as our top diplomat because he clearly does not understand US foreign policy or how disagreements of opinion have to be handled by governments.
Gee. At least go 3rd party. Either your drinking the cool aide or you really have warped views in life.

I could never support a Criminal who has only enriched herself by becoming a Multi-millionaire on the backs of the American working class Taxpayers by sacrificing other American lives. Clintons have no SOUL.

I'm more bothered by the rest of the Democrats in office supporting this type of character to run for president. Is the Democrat party that PHONY they have no moral compass for the working class families who are just trying to get their children through college (which is completely inflated by 1000%) But no inflation.

I think you need to look in the mirror and get a better understanding on who you support for President of the United States.

I personally and not impressed with TRUMP character overall but I believe he will take down this corrupt system to its knees.

I almost voted for Gary Johnson. When I got my absentee ballot two or three weeks ago, really sat down and gave it a lot of thought. I was going to lodge my "protest vote." Before I voted, I took look at the polls and saw that Trump was gaining ground, even in Massachusetts. So, I made the decision to vote for Clinton because the thought of a Trump presidency makes me very uncomfortable.
Breaking now: Defense Secretary Carter stops Pentagon from attempting to reclaim CA national guard bonuses. Vows to do "everything we can to solve the problem."
I can't vote 3rd party because I know absolutely nothing about Gary Johnson, his policies, his experience, etc. It's unfortunate that he was included in any of the debates because it would be interesting to see if his views aligns with any of mine. So I'm basically given the choice of an imperfect candidate that I know what I will be getting, a fascist who is unpredictable, and someone I know nothing about. I'll take the less risky of the three.
If anyone thinks our system is "corrupt" I recommend 24 hours in mainland China. That will open your eyes, especially when you consider they are relatively "free" and efficient and non corrupt compared to many other places.
If anyone thinks our system is "corrupt" I recommend 24 hours in mainland China. That will open your eyes, especially when you consider they are relatively "free" and efficient and non corrupt compared to many other places.

It doesn't matter about china or any other country to justify why we should accept a corrupt individual as our Leader.

We are the United States of America---Supposedly the best country on this planet that is supposed to fight for freedom and justice.

Hilary Clinton is a Rotten Soul along with all the other hypocrite Scum bags in Washington.

What I actually find more alarming is your fellow representatives along with Govt Agencies support this criminal. What does that say about this great system. Like I said the people that don't want change are drinking the Govt Kool-aid. The bankers, corrupt lobbyists--- Good luck to that for these people having the best interest of humanity.
Haha I laughed at the best country in the world bit.
Yes, he was. He is absolutely guilty of being an idiot.

Unfortunately for everybody, it turned into self defense when his head split open due to being smashed into concrete. I don't know what kind of beating it would take to deliver these wounds, but I can understand that he legitimately feared for his life at that moment in time when he pulled the trigger. It would have been easier (as in, nobody ever would have heard about this case) if Zimmerman had just been guilty to begin with.

(unfortunately I can't figure out how to embed from this other site)
So basically, all I need to do if I ever want to kill someone is instigate a fight with him, let him whoop my ass thoroughly for a few minutes, pull out a gun, and shoot him in the name of self defense. Great loop hole.

I actually like to call Hillary Clinton this year's "Mitt Romney." She's a centrist chameleon who will be just another status quo president. Despite all the nonsense we've learned about from her emails and everything we know about her, I had no choice but to vote for her this year. I'm not voting for the person. I'm voting for her because she belongs to a shitty and corrupt political party that kinda sorta reflects my own views on how the country should operate. That compared to the other shitty and corrupt party that doesn't really reflect my views. Hell, I was saying back in June that the only thing worse than a Donald Trump presidency would be a Ted Cruz presidency.

Honestly I came around to seeing clinton slightly favorably when I realized a Centrist is what this country needs right now. All of this careening from far left to far right is dividing this nation... and has been for 16 years now. Balance is a good thing.

Also i'll state again, the govt fucks up because we are a cumbersome bureaucracy with our hands tied behind our backs with Red tape, not because of "corruption". For every corrupt official there's always someone else willing to make personal sacrifices to stop them.

Also please no one link "RT" (Russia Today). The corruption behind THAT government makes me want to throw up. And the fact that they think they can subject the rest of the world to their dishonorable tactics with no consequences.
“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing — when you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors — when you see that men get richer by graft and pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you — when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice — you may know that your society is doomed.” Ayn Rand

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."
FBI publicly announces that they are investigating a presidential candidate a few days before the presidential election.

And Trump thinks this is rigged??? Correct it is rigged in favor of Trump. They shouldn't have announced this unless they had actual evidence of any wrongdoing.
FBI publicly announces that they are investigating a presidential candidate a few days before the presidential election.

And Trump thinks this is rigged??? Correct it is rigged in favor of Trump. They shouldn't have announced this unless they had actual evidence of any wrongdoing.


Media Freak Out At FBI Letter, Disregard Facts And Run With GOP's False Description Of Clinton Email Review

Blog ››› 1 hour 11 min ago ››› OLIVER WILLIS

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) claimed that a letter from FBI Director James Comey indicated that the FBI had “reopened” its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state, triggering a media firestorm. But Comey’s letter says no such thing, and according to CBS News, it’s “premature” and “going too far” to say the investigation has been “reopened.”

This afternoon, Comey released a letter to congressional leaders stating, “In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear pertinent to the investigation” and “I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” Comey noted that he was not sure how long the review will take and the FBI “cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant.”

In other words, all the FBI has announced is that they have found new emails that “appear” related to their investigation and may contain classified information and they are looking at them, but as of yet they don’t even know if the emails are significant.

Rep. Chaffetz, who serves as the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, announced “case reopened” around the time Comey’s letter became public:

Jason Chaffetz ✔ @jasoninthehouse
FBI Dir just informed me, "The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation." Case reopened
12:57 PM - 28 Oct 2016
16,335 16,335 Retweets 19,048 19,048 likes

Chaffetz’s spin doesn’t come as a surprise. In an interview with The Washington Post this week, he announced plans to launch years of investigations in the event Clinton is elected president, telling the paper in an interview, “Even before we get to Day One, we’ve got two years’ worth of material already lined up. She has four years of history at the State Department, and it ain’t good.”

Chaffetz’s spin has triggered an avalanche of breathless coverage. Many news outlets quickly reported that the FBI had “reopened” their investigation, including Politico, Fox News, NPR, USA Today, among others. All three cable news networks have covered the story non-stop since it broke, often adopting the “re-opening” framing and suggesting the news is a major election bombshell. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump himself subsequently echoed that language, adding that Clinton’s actions were “worse than Watergate.”

But despite the coverage that echoed Rep. Chaffetz’s characterization of Comey’s letter, CBS Justice/Homeland Security correspondent Jeff Pegues reported that sources told him that it was both “premature” and “going too far” to declare that the investigation had been reopened. (While Pegues delivered his report, CBS on-screen text declared “Clinton Investigation Reopened.”

On MSNBC Live, NBC Justice Department correspondent Pete Williams reported that Comey’s July announcement that there would be no charges in the case effectively concluded the case but there are remaining “evidentiary matters” to be resolved before it can be considered fully closed.

But Williams noted that if the review is pertaining to the amount of classified emails sent, it would not change the earlier determination that a chargeable offense had not occurred. Williams also reported that “senior officials” have told him that it doesn’t appear that the Clintons, the Clinton campaign or the State Department had failed to hand over emails to the FBI and that the agency had found them some other way.
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