2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Chaffetz successfully drove the story. The GOP are masters at media manipulation. Regardless of whether or not more journalists or media execs prefer Clinton over Trump, the GOP can always get them to chase the shiny ball.
Hillary election torpedoed by Weiner probe?

(Sorry. Heard this on Fox, and my inner 13 year old laughed.)
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Chaffetz successfully drove the story. The GOP are masters at media manipulation. Regardless of whether or not more journalists or media execs prefer Clinton over Trump, the GOP can always get them to chase the shiny ball.

Most of the GOP elite want Clinton. Its more like the FBI is looking like fools claiming the emails were deleted only to have Wikileaks resending out all the deleted emails.

I think the Clintons are finished. Hilary might step down at this point so she doesn't see jail time.

I am honesty appalled that 31 people on this board would vote for this corrupt lunatic. Thats fine if you don't like Trump---But to continue to support a corrupt system that rewards criminal activity is the basis principal of why the concept of America continues. We stand for Justice, Liberty.

I actually don't find the Clintons the most disturbing scenario out of all this.
I find that the Democrats, GOP Elite and the Media are promoting a criminal for President more disturbing than all of this. The Clintons just couldn't walk away with their 200Million dollar fortune they had to push it to the MAX and think the American people are fucking idiots.

It's like Penn State story---When Jerry Sandusky was raping all the little boys and the entire Penn State Administration including Joe Paterno all looked the other way. Not only that they let Jerry start a non-profit organization called Jerry's Kids only to find the most demoralized children without parents to basically sexually abuse them. This was all about MONEY. (GREED) This is actually what makes Washington Run.

Watch how fast Obama, Warren, Sanders all jump off Clinton ship. Biggest Hypocrites on the planet.
The Leaders in Washington should be ashamed of themselves. They all have no SOUL to sell.
^Hillary did mishandle classified information. I have yet to see any information showing that she did anything with criminal intent.

Honestly it might be better for the country if she steps down and promotes someone better to take her place. It'll be impossible to change the name on the ballot but with enough advertising dollars they can spread the message that a vote for Clinton is a vote for Biden or something like that.

The biggest mistake that Sanders made was not pressing Clinton harder on the email issue. Now we might elect an unstable narcissist with a poor understanding of the world and the economy.
^Hillary did mishandle classified information. I have yet to see any information showing that she did anything with criminal intent.

Honestly it might be better for the country if she steps down and promotes someone better to take her place. It'll be impossible to change the name on the ballot but with enough advertising dollars they can spread the message that a vote for Clinton is a vote for Biden or something like that.

The biggest mistake that Sanders made was not pressing Clinton harder on the email issue. Now we might elect an unstable narcissist with a poor understanding of the world and the economy.

I believe this statement alone should have her step-down.

Hilary was Sec. of State and the emails were the property of the US Government and its citizens. Hilary Clinton set up a home server to cover-up her illegal activities and pay-to-play with the Clinton Foundation. There LAWS on handling government information and corruption and FOIA and storing and turning over communications. Hilary Clinton VIOLATED THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!

When you have the Saudi's donating Millions of dollars to your non-profit foundation what are they basically looking for in return to be so generous?

I would also like a special investigator to start investigating Bush Administration for War Crimes against the Iraqi People. I would like to see who gave them the evidence on the WMD's and who push this war what incentive did Rumsfeld, Cheney and the rest of the hacks have. WHO BENEFITED from this quagmire we are in the MiddleEast. Which I believe has put America at risk with Radical terrorists.

It's time for people to be held accountable for their actions.
American Debts
Who is pulling the strings?
Let me state this again, spillage of classified information onto unclassified networks without malicious intent is in no way a crime. It happens all the fucking time, but the full extent of the spillage must be known so all traces can be scrubbed from the unsecured network. That in all likelihood is what's actually being investigated. Doesn't anyone else understand how this works?
Let me state this again, spillage of classified information onto unclassified networks without malicious intent is in no way a crime. It happens all the fucking time, but the full extent of the spillage must be known so all traces can be scrubbed from the unsecured network. That in all likelihood is what's actually being investigated. Doesn't anyone else understand how this works?

Yes, and yes. Jouhou, you and I have probably spent time working in similar gov-related domains. I have tried to explain this to friends...Hillary deserves to be criticized as sloppy, ignorant, careless, etc, with her data handling. But criminal? Criminal means you sold secrets to the bad guys.

My main beef with Hilary (whom I am voting for, though not enthusiastically) is that she hasn't provided the kind of apology deserving of the situation. Thousands of American's work hard to protect data, and go through intimidating training about how not to do all the things she's done...she owes a separate apology to those people (more specific than to the general public).

Let's face it: she is ambitious. She's a politician trying to get to the white house. She took bad advice, and went 1,000 MPH forward with blinders on. This resulted in sloppy mistakes, for which she should be held accountable. But that's very different from malicious intent w/ secure data.
Yes, I think she did have a rather arrogant and dismissive attitude towards cyber security from what I saw of the investigation. I think she might have learned her lesson by now though. And I strongly feel she may not have grasped the significance of it before probably due to being from a generation that did not grow up with computers. But when it comes to the political side of things, at least she understands technology enough to not be talking about "The Cyber"

And yes, I deal with sensitive information on a daily basis and know the rules as they continue to evolve and adapt to modern security challenges. Also I am used to anyone above the age of 50 struggling to grasp the whole idea of cyber security.
Joke of the day

"Voters deserve to get full and complete facts.”
Told by Hillary Clinton
(A woman reported to have deleted 30,000 e-mails following a Congressional subpoena)
Looks the big O administration is beginning to show the real truth.


Thank god he still sounds presidential.

Concerning Benghazi, Which I have not read up on the facts of the entire story. But you do have to wonder was Ambassador Stevens taken out on purpose.

If Hilary becomes president may Anthony Wiener for Supreme Court Justice.
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Looks the big O administration is beginning to show the real truth.


Thank god he still sounds presidential.

Concerning Benghazi, Which I have not read up on the facts of the entire story. But you do have to wonder was Ambassador Stevens taken out on purpose.

If Hilary becomes president may Anthony Wiener for Supreme Court Justice.
I'll say this much. I think that even the media has had a harder time defending her on this. Now, to be fair, we don't know what went on. But we assume that it was related to Anthony Weiner's sexting the fifteen year old girl. Why the Clintons decided to get involved in trying to (allegedly) cover this up? Who knows? It sounds like something out of the Marx Brothers quite honestly.

I would be sickened by Donald Trump as president. That's not up for discussion. But I'm losing faith in Hillary Clinton day-by-day. I might just pull the level for Dr. Stein. Yes, it's a throwaway vote. But dick jokes aside, if she got involved in trying to cover up another man's sexting of an underage girl, then fuck her. I, myself, had a teacher smell my neck and give me an unwanted neck rub before he just randomly knock me to the ground. Why? I don't know. It's still with me to this day.

I used to defend her vigorously after she became the nominee. Bernie was my first choice, but she became my second. I'm having a much more difficult time deciding now. In fact, she might be on her own this time. It might be that I just can't defend her anymore.
Looks the big O administration is beginning to show the real truth.


Thank god he still sounds presidential.

Concerning Benghazi, Which I have not read up on the facts of the entire story. But you do have to wonder was Ambassador Stevens taken out on purpose.

If Hilary becomes president may Anthony Wiener for Supreme Court Justice.

Please stop. Go be a novel writer or make movies. You're just making things up.
Like I said Obama Legacy will be shattered representing & protecting the corrupt Clintons:
What a MORON.
I actually can't believe you people on this board support these people.

Late Friday night, the White House very quietly CANCELED all of Barack Obama's scheduled campaign appearances on behalf of Hillary Clinton!

White House CANCELS all Obama Appearances at Hillary Campaign Events! ! !

Post by Newsroom - Oct 28, 2016 - 3

Now, we know it's bad! The FBI Director's announcement that the Bureau had found more emails pertinent to its Hillary Clinton private e-mail server investigation, and was re-opening that investigation, sent shockwaves across the political spectrum this afternoon.

The fact that the FBI made such an announcement is extraordinary in itself. Generally, the Bureau does NOT publicly reveal that someone is under investigation, never mind someone who is so high-profile, like an active candidate for President! So the revelation that the Hillary investigation is now re-opened is an absolute stunner on many levels. Frankly, all experts agree that it must be something extraordinary they found; something likely criminal.

Adding to the drama was that the FBI Director did NOT coordinate the announcement with the White House or with the Department of Justice (DOJ) - which could be an effort by the Bureau to regain its lost reputation for Integrity. Keeping the White house and Justice Department out of the loop means they could not interfere prior to the announcement, and now that the announcement has been made publicly, neither the White House nor the DOJ can prevent the public from knowing something big is taking place.


And "big" might be an understatement. Late Friday night, the White House very quietly CANCELED all of Barack Obama's scheduled campaign appearances on behalf of Hillary Clinton! The scheduled events, confirmed for months, were all quietly DELETED from the official White House Presidential Schedule. See the Before and After images below:
Like I said Obama Legacy will be shattered representing & protecting the corrupt Clintons:
What a MORON.
I actually can't believe you people on this board support these people.

Late Friday night, the White House very quietly CANCELED all of Barack Obama's scheduled campaign appearances on behalf of Hillary Clinton!

White House CANCELS all Obama Appearances at Hillary Campaign Events! ! !

Post by Newsroom - Oct 28, 2016 - 3

Now, we know it's bad! The FBI Director's announcement that the Bureau had found more emails pertinent to its Hillary Clinton private e-mail server investigation, and was re-opening that investigation, sent shockwaves across the political spectrum this afternoon.

The fact that the FBI made such an announcement is extraordinary in itself. Generally, the Bureau does NOT publicly reveal that someone is under investigation, never mind someone who is so high-profile, like an active candidate for President! So the revelation that the Hillary investigation is now re-opened is an absolute stunner on many levels. Frankly, all experts agree that it must be something extraordinary they found; something likely criminal.

Adding to the drama was that the FBI Director did NOT coordinate the announcement with the White House or with the Department of Justice (DOJ) - which could be an effort by the Bureau to regain its lost reputation for Integrity. Keeping the White house and Justice Department out of the loop means they could not interfere prior to the announcement, and now that the announcement has been made publicly, neither the White House nor the DOJ can prevent the public from knowing something big is taking place.


And "big" might be an understatement. Late Friday night, the White House very quietly CANCELED all of Barack Obama's scheduled campaign appearances on behalf of Hillary Clinton! The scheduled events, confirmed for months, were all quietly DELETED from the official White House Presidential Schedule. See the Before and After images below:


Facts are hard, I know. They don't play into conspiracy narratives well.
---Forget the conspiracy theories:
How can a secretary of state have a non-profit foundation that is accepting money from foreign leaders & foreign govt. How is that not a conflict of interest? That's like Bribery now your telling me that this scenario did not influence Clinton decision making concerning why they gave the Clinton foundation money? Pay to play--

If their was anytype of military action concerning these types of transactions along with her decision making THIS WOULD BE HIGH TREASON against humanity.
Saudi Arabi created ISIS----the U.S. supported Saudi Arabi. The question is how much support did we offer Saudi Arabi at this point.
I believe this statement alone should have her step-down.

Hilary was Sec. of State and the emails were the property of the US Government and its citizens. Hilary Clinton set up a home server to cover-up her illegal activities and pay-to-play with the Clinton Foundation. There LAWS on handling government information and corruption and FOIA and storing and turning over communications. Hilary Clinton VIOLATED THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!

When you have the Saudi's donating Millions of dollars to your non-profit foundation what are they basically looking for in return to be so generous?

I would also like a special investigator to start investigating Bush Administration for War Crimes against the Iraqi People. I would like to see who gave them the evidence on the WMD's and who push this war what incentive did Rumsfeld, Cheney and the rest of the hacks have. WHO BENEFITED from this quagmire we are in the MiddleEast. Which I believe has put America at risk with Radical terrorists.

It's time for people to be held accountable for their actions.
American Debts
Who is pulling the strings?

Outside his war crime that you mentioned, what's your take on Bush who destroyed 22 million emails during his two terms specifically? Granted that Bush is not running for presidency, but the lack of any investigations as well as outrage in regards to his email seems to suggest that Hillary is undergoing a significantly higher and unprecedented scrutiny compared to her (male) counterpart.
Outside his war crime that you mentioned, what's your take on Bush who destroyed 22 million emails during his two terms specifically? Granted that Bush is not running for presidency, but the lack of any investigations as well as outrage in regards to his email seems to suggest that Hillary is undergoing a significantly higher and unprecedented scrutiny compared to her (male) counterpart.

Bush should be held accountable alone just giving the Banks the bailouts without a proper investigation on how and why this happened.
No-body goes to jail on wall St. the DOJ just hits the banks with fines--only to be paid with taxpayers bailout money. The entire system is fucking joke.

This was my take on the Bush Administration up above.
I would also like a special investigator to start investigating Bush Administration for War Crimes against the Iraqi People. I would like to see who gave them the evidence on the WMD's and who push this war what incentive did Rumsfeld, Cheney and the rest of the hacks have. WHO BENEFITED from this quagmire we are in the MiddleEast. Which I believe has put America at risk with Radical terrorists.

It's time for people to be held accountable for their actions.
American Debts
Who is pulling the strings?

I'm not even sold on Trump---Who is backing this guy? Ivanka Trump husband comes from a Billionaire family---What is the agenda there?

These people in Washington have sold out America----The only angles they have is for Money and power. They don't care about America anymore.
Keep those Interest rates low forever .
--20 Trillion dollar debt and America's Infrastructure is rotting to the core --How are those little kids doing in Flint drinking water that is poison. Flint is a poor area so they could careless
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