I agree with
stick people are overreacting and exaggerating how bad Boston's filler buildings are.
W Hotel- split facade is weird
Kensington- ugh just no
Waterside Place- gross cladding
Ava Theater District- almost manages to be two buildings in one not great but better than the previous ones
The Radian- okay disappointing for what was lost but the building itself isn't bad just not very memorable- solid filler
Lovejoy wharf- good
Most of the Seaport is good filler although a bit boring and glass dominated
Avalon Exeter- very good filler
315 A street- great use of terra cotta high quality filler
30 Dalton- good filler
Avalon North Station- nothing special but looks good so far
Millennium Place- very high quality filler
Liberty Mutual- not really filler could have been taller but the Neo Art Deco design is great
I know I didn't list them all but out of a pretty long list only 3 were really bad and a couple are just borderline which matches up to what other cities appear to be getting based on SSP and SSC. The ground level in most of Boston's buildings aside from the couple bad ones also tend to have at least as much or often more activation than many other cities new infill. I think the issue here is that people see these designs so much and scrutinize them so hard the flaws jump out at them and they don't as much in other cities buildings.
We should be happy we aren't getting a building like the Jasper in SF it is pretty bad especially because it has a large blank wall and the other side is not as nice as 45 Province so it is a mediocre building with a large blank wall and it isn't even thin like 45 province so there isn't as easy an excuse either.
The bad side
The good side