45 Province St | Downtown Crossing

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Re: 45 Province St

I found a very cool site documenting the progress of 45 Province. Some of the photos are so good, they look like renderings. Granted it takes a little while to actually see progress, as the photos are taken from a high vantage point (anyone know where?), so keep scrolling down. Click HERE.

Below is one of the more recent photos (from 7/17):


I HIGHLY suggest you check them out!
Re: 45 Province St

Hot damn! Don't you just love stumbling upon stuff like this?

PS - these must've been taken at One Boston Place.
Re: 45 Province St

I'm pretty sure they were taken from One Devonshire...I used to live there and that was exactly the view I had.
Re: 45 Province St

That website has some amazing photos on it.
Re: 45 Province St

Go read the photographer's resume on his sight. Interesting dude.
Re: 45 Province St

I didn't even realize geocities still existed...

Amazing photos, though
Re: 45 Province St

it looks a lot nicer from the front
I really like this building...at first I didnt but it is going to be very nice towards the top as the glass dominates the brick
Re: 45 Province St

Can't wait till that black wall is gone!
Re: 45 Province St

has the Marliave ever had a conspicuous entranceway?
Re: 45 Province St

It has a very nice doorway on Bosworth St. It and the adjoining Massachusetts Bible Society, when seen from the alley between the Parker House and 45 Province, are a timeless Boston scene. Approach from School St., pass under the Bridge of Sighs, and you will see what I mean.
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