45 Province St | Downtown Crossing

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Re: 45 Province St

^ what are the Brimmer and Washington proposals?
Re: 45 Province St

I'm really starting to hate this building(wall)! 10-22-08
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Re: 45 Province St

From one side it's a beauty, the other, a beast.
Re: 45 Province St

It looks like the hideous 375 Pearl Street in New York...profiled in the nytimes last week as a building that should be torn down.
Re: 45 Province St

today from Camb 10-23-08 this sucks from this angle!
Re: 45 Province St

Ought the State House perhaps take a golden piss on it?
Re: 45 Province St

Alucobond is the ultimate "Eh, just skin the building in anything" material.
Re: 45 Province St

Can't we get a giant IPod banner or that silly whale mural on the back of this thing?
Re: 45 Province St

Do you think we could mount a campaign to demand a change to glass skin on that blank wall, ala the effort made in response to the Commonwealth Hotel debacle? I just can't believe that this was allowed to happen. It was obviously intentionally hidden from the public as I don't recall EVER seeing this shown in renderings.
Re: 45 Province St

Here is the contact for the project manager in case you wish to share your thoughts.

Jay Rourke
Boston Redevelopment Authority
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201-1007.

By e-mail: Jay.Rourke.BRA@CityofBoston.gov
Re: 45 Province St

^^ Itchy's favorite person! In light of his behavior toward members of the audience who wished to speak out in favor of the preservation of Shreve's at one of the meetings at the BPL over the summer, I referred to him as a horse's ass to members of the BRA board at the last BRA meeting at City Hall. Frankly, his conduct at the Shreve's meetings was unprofessional to the point that he seemed little more than a shill for Ron Druker.

Let's just say, young Jay won't be getting on a plane to Stockholm to pick up his Nobel prize anytime soon.
Re: 45 Province St

the black wall has turned this from one of my favorite new buildings to one of my least favorite new buildings...
Re: 45 Province St


Funny picture!! I am sure GW would be unimpressed ;->!
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