45 Province St | Downtown Crossing

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Thanks for the pictures.

Does anyone know if the new building will be flush with the Bosworth St. streetwall or will it poke out onto the street like the steel in this picture?

in the latest pics, i didn't see those old stone steps and railings that were next to the little bar, did they survive?
lndscpr said:
in the latest pics, i didn't see those old stone steps and railings that were next to the little bar, did they survive?
They're in a warehouse in New Jersey. :wink:
Ablarc, you post whore!! :wink:


About the question Bowwest asked earlier, I asked a construction worker whether the project will be built out into the public ROWs, and she had no clue, but she did say that there's a parking garage underneath. Seeming how the same apparent land-grabbing is happening on Province street (see the below picture), perhaps this will just be a case where there'll be a "hollow" sidewalk while the building rises within the normal lot lines.

Yesterday, 5/4/07


They're digging pretty deep


^ Goodbye the steps?

Hard to tell what's going on in that photo, what with the block wall and all. Street level where the minivan is parked is up a half flight. How will the pedestrian connection be made? Will there be a wheelchair ramp?
ya what's going on there?
Doesn't seem like they left much space around the building!
It's looking good, can't wait until they start putting up the steel!
When is this expected to be finished? Early 2008? is that correct?
Here are a few shots I got on 6/25.




I really hope this turns out well. I think it is one of the more attractive towers going up in the city. Given the site limitations it won't be some fat box, which Lord knows Boston has too many of.
ya, this is a beautiful building, it almost seems too nice for Boston.
Also, I have some pictures of the site from a building across the street, I just gotta upload the pics and get em on here
Gotta agree all around on the Providence building; it looks great, and it will (hopefully) help revive Downtown Crossing by bringing people there 24 hrs a day. My only problem is that, bar none, the worst practice of the BRA since it tore down the West End and Scollay Sq., is its constant attack on our fair city's bars and strip clubs! I mean, when will the carnage end, BRA!!
Some pictures of the site from a couple weeks ago from a music store across the street (can't remember the name)

the banner for the project


some of the equipment


the site



I can't wait to see this building rise. I think it is going to turn out well. Will it have an impact on the skyline at all?
When you think about it, Boston has some pretty nice towers going up. This one, the Clarendon, SST, Filene's....it's easy to lose track of these well designed and prominent buildings in the mess of boring architecture that we're constantly whining about. It always feels good to take a look at these renderings every once in a while.
BostonBoy, nice photos. Really good perspective -- shows how slim this building will be... at least from two sides. Thanks for posting these.
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