That's good about the state police, but I thought that site was supposed to be sold with the speedway buildings, did I miss something here?
About the bank at harvard/comm, I've been meaning to post a picture here for days, can you imagine being that second floor apartment now featuring grand views of the back of a fake wall?
Kellys failed because it was overstaffed, couldn't stay open as late as they wanted, and because there were already better, cheaper roast beef sandwiches in the neighborhood. I also feel the rent is probbaly too high since it drove Martys liquors out, which was the best and most popular packie in the area, especially after the Blanchards dog kicking extravangaza. There was talk of Boloco taking over the lease, which I think would have killed it in this location, I don't know whatever happened with that. I'm sure bon chon will do just fine though.
The issue with Unos was the parent company more than the actual resturant, it was never packed but always busy. I don't think the intersection has too much to do with it, Great Scott is busy pretty much all day, and inbound pizza and dantes (amazing new frozen yougurt place) do just fine. The light cycles are also fast enough with a very generous all walk phase that it allows pedestrians to cross easially, the onky real issue is people bolting across traffic trying to make their train. I lived on that intersection for 5 years, its one of the better ones in the area.
In general the more sucessful spots in allston tend to be small footprint, unless you're a bar or thrift shop. I'm not going to find any fault with that since its allowed a very diverse spread of resturants from every ethinicy to open. The resturants on Brighton Ave and spilling down Harvard are in general very good food (minus all the pizza places).