Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

It looked like paint to me, though the consistency almost makes me think it could be a vinyl wrap? I dunno...I didn't cross the street to get an up close look and I'm not terribly knowledgeable on these things.
I still hope that DoReMi will find a new place. It's the only decent karaoke place with updated multilingual music list that I know in Boston. Unfortunate that the new apartment project doesn't include a place for them.
This is what I heard:

Edit: Oops, just realized it's a different gas station. Still Brighton though. Yes, the 1650 Comm was bulldozed at some point in the past few months.


Looked like the were collecting soil samples here today.
That building and the other two that are already occupied are for sale right now. Mount Vernon is expecting to get close to $150M for them
Isn't there enough density there to justify putting some of those ugly power lines underground?
It's my understanding that part of Bruce's deal with the BRA/community, was that he was going to replace many of the street lights in this area - I assumed that meant the power would be run underground. Perhaps this only happened on his side of the streets.
Jeebus.....those power lines on that street are like a floating turd in a swimming pool.
Oh man, when I lived around the corner on Royce those messy powerlines were my muse. I've got a bunch of pictures and half a sketchbook with them as a major component. Great for artistic inspiration, not so great for aesthetics otherwise.


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Well that looks quite alright. I even sense some vaguely deco/streamline!
That's on purpose. I remember this presentation, and the developer indicated a desire to copy some of the Art Deco elements from nearby.

Another interesting thing is that they are capping the land underneath to mitigate the decades of fuel exposure. So there is no underground section.
Huh, that explains the at-grade parking out back. Well I'm glad they managed to squeeze in some retail space as well and didn't resort to the Green District style of ground level parking.









And here it comes...




And one more of that mural on Glenville

kz1000ps;206671 [IMG said:[/IMG]

This work is incredible. Absolutely fantastic.
The lack of finer details on that building with the Starbucks is startling, in comparison to the older building across the street.
kz1000ps;206671 [IMG said:[/IMG]

This work is incredible. Absolutely fantastic.

I would agree. They took something like a boring brick facade and turned it into something beautiful and engaging.
