archBoston Presidential Poll 2012

For whom will you be voting on Tuesday?

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An obnoxious know-it-all bitch who would still be teaching night classes at the University of Texas if she hadn't claimed minority status.
After watching that disgusting video with Elizabeth Warren. Maybe if Money doesn't matter then our Senators can work for FREE and NO PENSIONS.

These people are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
There was no "attempt" at anything, you volunteered what you do to the forum. Your political position is incongruent with your occupation. This is painfully obvious.

Let's be clear about one thing: you profit off of the buying and selling of securities, as does Bain (with equity interest). You produce nothing. You service no one. Yet, you demonize Mitt Romney and Bain and the rest of the 1%ers.

I'm pretty sure we provide services to our clients who, unless they are willing to devote a certain amount of money to open their own financial departments and hire their own personal financial advisors who would create their own portfolio to finance their pensions and retirement fund, instead of having those in a company that specialize in the field do it for them.

You speak exactly like someone who has no idea how financial companies work. While the company may generate a certain amount of profit from trading, the company earns the majority of the profit from portfolio returns. Clients must pay a certain percentage of the returns gain to the company. If no services are provided whatsoever, then the company wouldn't have clients to serve because all they would do is trade. Simple as that. Logic, it's not that hard to figure it out bosdevelopment.

Oh and buying and selling securities DOES NOT EQUAL to buying and selling EQUITY AKA STOCKS which is what Venture Capitalists do to take control of a company, which they later increase in value, and then sell it. This is the last time I'm going to try to punch this simple concept into your head and if you still don't get the difference, go read a finance book.

Oh and BTW, I can still work in the finance sector and oppose what they do. Not everyone here are lending out bad loans and there are other services provided that has nothing to do with stock trading. Also I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one to do something like this. Warren Buffet is rich and yet he is advocating that the rich should pay more. Not exactly brain exploding.
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You speak exactly like someone who has no idea how financial companies work. While the company may generate a certain amount of profit from trading, the company earns the majority of the profit from portfolio returns. Clients must pay a certain percentage of the returns gain to the company. If no services are provided whatsoever, then the company wouldn't have clients to serve because all they would do is trade. Simple as that. Logic, it's not that hard to figure it out bosdevelopment.

Oh and buying and selling securities DOES NOT EQUAL to buying and selling EQUITY AKA STOCKS which is what Venture Capitalists do to take control of a company, which they later increase in value, and then sell it. This is the last time I'm going to try to punch this simple concept into your head and if you still don't get the difference, go read a finance book.

Oh and BTW, I can still work in the finance sector and oppose what they do. Not everyone here are lending out bad loans and there are other services provided that has nothing to do with stock trading. Also I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one to do something like this. Warren Buffet is rich and yet he is advocating that the rich should pay more. Not exactly brain exploding.

Thanks for breaking it down for me. I'm so god damn stupid. I had no clue that your bosses actually profited off of buying and selling of paper, not just the fees that your sucker clientele pay.Of course buying and selling of paper is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AND SOMEHOW INNATELY MORE MORAL than buying and selling stock. I'd better read a finance book. Then again, trading bonds is closer to zero sum than trading stocks.. but there's some explanation for that...right?

And by the way dude- you are pretty poorly versed in the language of finance for someone who works in finance. I would know [I used to work in finance]. A security is another word for a stock OR bond.


I'm not sure if Bosdevelopment even likes me or not. Nor do I care. But Bosdevelopment is right. Kentxie you and your boys should be in the unemployment line with the rest of JP6. All Wall Street traders, investors or whatever the fuck you people do is buy & sell off other peoples hardwork. Wall Street does not create or produce anything REAL. Not to say that Lawyers are any better. " A perfect example was the Facebook IPO" Talk about pumping & dumping schemes on the retail & mutual fund investors.

You steal the working class labor salary everyday. You ask how? Interest rates determine the value of the price of goods & services through our currency (dollars). The Federal Reserve continues to support the corrupt bankers.

Our Govt should have never bailed out the bankers. This is not China or Russia, this is America which is shaped by Laws, justice and freedom.

But overall I do have respect for you Kentxie and I like some of your views on developments & other aspects of business. I just think both of you are generations apart. I think Bosdevelopment has lived through some very tough times for success. I think Kentxie you really don't understand about success through real tough times I'm talking survival. The kids today have it easy. If you couldn't afford play-station you have to play with your old Nintendo. Tough choice.
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Oh, the horror! How DARE he say those true things to Tucker Carlson. Doesn't he know they hurt Tucker's FEELINGS?! NOT CLASSY JON.
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What was this clip supposed to prove? I enjoyed every minute of it because Stewart was rightfully pointing out how horrifically wrong our political system is in the US and the media that report on it. The woman that asked the final question really hit the nail on the head. Too many news programs (especially ones with vested interests) let politicians go all around the actual questions.

Historically, Tim Russert of Meet the Press (may he rest in peace) was one of the few objective hosts to actually ask the right follow-up questions or demand a straight answer. David Gregory is a pathetic excuse of a host and lets politicians on both sides, but mostly right, dance all around the actual question by reciting their rehearsed speeches that have nothing to do with the question. Meet the Press has essentially become an extension of the Faux News propaganda machine and NBC lets them get away with it.
Jon Stewart is an absolute prick that hides behind Comedy Central to criticize anyone and everyone that opposes his large government agenda. He has zero class, routinely insults GOP members and kisses the ass of everyone and anyone pro-government. He is without question THE liberal conduit for pot smokers aged 18-34.

His condescending incivility is on display in this interview. Make no mistake he is part and parcel of the liberal media (with agendas and interests) which he feigns disgust towards.
Jon Stewart is an absolute prick that hides behind Comedy Central to criticize anyone and everyone that opposes his large government agenda. He has zero class, routinely insults GOP members and kisses the ass of everyone and anyone pro-government. He is without question THE liberal conduit for pot smokers aged 18-34.

His condescending incivility is on display in this interview. Make no mistake he is part and parcel of the liberal media (with agendas and interests) which he feigns disgust towards.

Liberals just happen to be on the right side of history on every single issue. Jon Stewart isn't so much a liberal as he is someone that actually cares about people. This is the case with most liberals. Most of the people who are liberals are liberals because they are disgusted with the way conservatives treat ordinary people in this country.
