Avalon Exeter | 77 Exeter Street | Back Bay

Hope that was sarcasm, pretty sure shadows from trees less than 15ft from a 300 ft plus high rise wont be much of a problem. Id take shadows from a tree over a plain asphalt boringness any day though. But either way this is a huge win for the city and a great development.

Your hope is spot on and I agree with everything you said about trees and about this building.
This looks so much better with the window-washing station retracted...I was getting nervous that the pictures we were seeing previously were showing it as low as it'd go and that we'd have a little pimple permanently placed on the building.
^I lot of building's have them built onto the top,they're cool to watch in action!
Hmm, I thought there's going to be retail in the base, but it looks like it's all taken by a lobby. Too bad.
Hmm, I thought there's going to be retail in the base, but it looks like it's all taken by a lobby. Too bad.

There is still going to be retail, the lobby doesn't take up the entire ground floor.
I wouldn't call it perfect, but I think it's better than most projects that have gone up in the last few years, especially for such a prominent location.

The night lighting really pulls this together. It's so different for the city.

Nice to see the staircase is finally open...
I just think its perfect for the location, the architecture fills the gap between the precast buildings and the all glass hancock with the combination it has, and the overall end result of capping off the mall.
The pass-thru is the key moment of this. It makes real urban connections. I can kinda care less what is sitting on top of it.


I kinda like the look of the washer rig fuller extended...








Random musing but as I was walking back to Copley I noticed 500 Boylston and wondered if Elkus Manfredi took any inspiration from it:

Random musing but as I was walking back to Copley I noticed 500 Boylston and wondered if Elkus Manfredi took any inspiration from it:


Its a old trick. Every architect uses it when one wants to push the vertical proportions.

