Avalon Exeter | 77 Exeter Street | Back Bay

Is there some reason that so many buildings in this district top out at the same exact height as this one (336')? It just looks weird when you already have Hancock and Prudential soaring at over twice that height. A little variation would improve the skyline quite a bit - 111 Huntington is overshadowed by the Pru and does little to help. Copley Place and the CSC buildings can't come soon enough.
Is there some reason that so many buildings in this district top out at the same exact height as this one (336')? It just looks weird when you already have Hancock and Prudential soaring at over twice that height. A little variation would improve the skyline quite a bit - 111 Huntington is overshadowed by the Pru and does little to help. Copley Place and the CSC buildings can't come soon enough.

Unfortunately, the opponents to these projects have been using the height of the Pru and Hancock to rile up support for lower heights in the Back Bay lately. They argue the Pru and Hancock are too tall. Most of us see it conversely where the Pru and Hancock are ideal height precedents to mimic. It's a matter of perspective.
This is now the sleekest of the Pru buildings, well proportioned and decent materials. The backside is awkward though, not well designed.
The hoist is for the window washing equipment. Because the building has all the different setbacks, the central crane is better able to handle them than a more standard rig. It does look like the hoist has hydraulics that might enable it to lower its profile when not in use, but that may just be a trick of the photos.

I'll just consider it a trebuchet for transporting the residents to their jobs in the Seaport, without the need to brave the T or traffic. :)

Noticed that the crown was lit tonight from the Christian Science Center. Nothing too impressive, but a nice final exterior touch.

I only had my phone with me at the time, but I will try to grab some pictures soon.
I really hope that after all that work that the window washing rig/crane does not become the most prominent feature of the building. That would be a real shame for a project that seems to have its design quality well in hand. This would be a disaster in my mind.

Those cranes can be lowered for storage, hidden more flush with the floor of the roof than when in use if that makes sense.



I can't wait for the stairs to open. For some reason the "real" Prudential Center has always felt so far away from Exeter Street and this will obliterate that silly notion.


That gateway/stair moment is great. Nicely done. I am still waiting to see the rest of the building without the rig at the top. Thus far its the most impact-full element on the building.

