AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

Re: Jacob Wirth's

Can someone make the render on google maps of this tower built out and from different angles so I can see if it is going to extend the downtown skyline toward the back bay as much as I am hoping.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Hey stick n move, I had added some pictures featuring this project it to my "Future Skyline" thread, although I didn't really focus on it at all.

Here's a few focusing on it for you. I went by the height mentioned in the PNF. As you can see, since it appears closer to the downtown skyline, its impact in "stretching" the skyline is rather limited. This might change if it's a bit taller, though. There might be more of a tapering off effect.

In the center

On the right
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Thank you! that was fast. Its small but its still going to add a vital piece to the valley between the skylines. Over time as these small ones keep filling in and the few taller buildings are built there is going to be a good amount of diversity that creates a well balanced skyline. We just need to hope that the quality keeps getting better and better like the rendering for the christian science tower, copley, filenes, hopefully one day SST. The skyline should be drastically different in the next 10 years.

Can you add the kensington to that shot so we can see the density that is going to be in that area.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Renderings look great but are we sure it's going to make that minimal of an impact? Realizing these two renderings extremely small http://nerej.com/51703 and the heights I've seen online it should be taller than W Residence and Kensington. At least from the park it will look strong.
Re: Jacob Wirth's


Re: Jacob Wirth's

its not huge but its going to fill that gap between the w and the downtown skyline which is very needed to tie everything together, because at the moment the w is just kinda out there all alone.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Blue Man Group will be moving into a new space?

I believe the building is going to have electronic signage similar to some of the LED boards in the theatre district. I believe they just used Blue Man Group as a placeholder for rendering purposes.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Thanks Palindrome. This will be a good dense addition to the area.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

OK, but that looks like a box office booth next to the sidewalk.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Are those steel piles part of the core structure?

With the exception of the excavator, all of the other heavy equipment has moved off the site.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

We have our first mockup on site. Picture taken today. There looks to be another section of mock-up facing the rear of the Stuart Street buildings. You won't get to see it unless you

a. Trespass on the site
b. Convince the Amazing store to let you into their stock room.

Re: Jacob Wirth's

Is work actually being done here? Every time I walk by I don't notice any new progress.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Yes. I see them working there regularly; often late at night too towards the front - doing utility work.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

From what I could tell yesterday, it looks like the footings/caissons are complete. The drill was removed from the site as of last weekend and there are now three excavators on site. It appears that they are now removing fill to expose the caissons. Hopefully this is a sign that we are about to go vertical. Based on the permits filed, all of the contractors are on board (steel, concrete, plumbing, gas, etc.)
