AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

Building on the corner looks ripe for redevelopment (demolition)
^ Don't hold your breath...assemblages like that are incredibly difficult and the owners of those parcels have outsized financial dreams.
It is hard enough to acquire 1 downtown parcel for development, never mind trying to get 5 under contract.
what ever happens I hope they keep and restore that TICKETS sign
Not to mention the shit show the future Avalon Bay residents will throw if you block their views with a tower in reaching distance of their apartment window. I think those buildings are here to stay for a long time.
Fortunately, renters have far less influence than owners.

The building's owner could complain but I don't know if I've heard of that happening.
^ Don't hold your breath...assemblages like that are incredibly difficult and the owners of those parcels have outsized financial dreams.

So true...I bet everyone on this forum could think of at least 1 project around the city that has been squashed in that manner

Goose -- it would be interesting to know what those buildings once looked like -- they appear to be chopped down from something much more significant

Boston lost a lot of average height during the Great Depression when owners cut the tops off many low to midrise buildings which while empty of tenants had still to pay real estate taxes

Some of the buildings became parking lots and others just lost 1 or 2 stories to become 1 to 2 story shadows of the original 4 to 6 story late 19th or early 20th Century Boston version of the standard commercial architecture
Phew, at least the Glass Slipper will be open during construction.

Czervik -- didn't even know that the Glass Slipper was still open -- is that the last of the old Combat Zone that is still around?

By the way -- anyone know what happened to "Chesty Morgan"?
Back in the 70's I had a complimentary "Chesty Morgan" matchbook. But I never knew the true story behind the, um, face: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesty_Morgan

Back in the 70's there was a place somewhere in the 'Zone" that regularly advertised Chesty's upcoming appearances with a poster which was so wide that it split in the middle for the doors

You could walk up to the doorway and wait around for a patron to enter or exit between Chesty's "Features"

For those of you who never experienced the Morgan Phenomena


To paraphrase an Alkaseltzer ad from the era
"Mama Mia dose is some spicy ......attributes "
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