AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

Re: Jacob Wirth's


Re: Jacob Wirth's

Walked by on Sunday. (Nov. 3) Looks like we have a crane.

Re: Jacob Wirth's

I dont understand this building. They were working on this at least 7 months ago and this as far as theyve gotten? Also, that isnt the whole building site is it? I thought it was much wider
Re: Jacob Wirth's

I dont understand this building. They were working on this at least 7 months ago and this as far as theyve gotten? Also, that isnt the whole building site is it? I thought it was much wider

I think that they have construction staging issues -- there is no empty lot available to stage equipment and supplies, so they have to work on part of the site at a time.

You are correct, that is not the full footprint for the building, it is wider, but if I remember the plans right from the PNF, the basement area is only under part of the building (for services, utilities, etc.). Most of the building starts at grade, and the garage is all above ground.
Here is the pic from Saturday (11/16). It will be interesting to see if they add another crane down the road given the size and awkward shape of this site.

I'm pretty sure the crane was fully constructed as of yesterday. Hopefully this starts flying up now.
Is this building still a total mystery as to what it will look besides that single render from like 5 years ago giving us a vague hint?
Palindrome posted two renderings in post 318 on page 16 in this thread.

There's also this one which I think is older as well:

I remember mostly seeing this rendering of the "glass curtain."

And the project is approved for 29 stories, I believe. But it's residential so the height will be less than a 29 floor office building. It's also pretty broad which makes it appear even shorter.
Looks like half of Gropius' JFK Building with saddlebags. Good materials could save it, but if recent projects of this scale are an indicator, the forecast is for precast, and lots of it...
They definitely are throwing the most square footage capacity into the lot that was available there. Great for density.

I just hope it doesn't cause too much foot traffic at my favorite bon me place around the corner.
