AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

Regardless, he said that it cannot be found, implying that such setting doesn't exist. Apparently it does.

Yea for sure. I think you can find that in most major cities around the nation to some degree. The difference between Boston & the sunbelt boom cities is that there's obviously a lot more of it, and it's used far more often by people and for different ways. Downtown Houston and Downtown/Midtown Atlanta are glorified office parks. Of course there are some areas of Downtown Boston which aren't booming on weekends, but it's not like those other cities.
I guess I am being taken far too literally and whatever cities I chose would be shot down. Very little of Houston or Atlanta look like what most of Boston looks like, mixing of old and new and with an old world street layout. And I would like to see an example of where 150 year old buildings sit alongside brand new buildings.

I try to compliment Boston and I get my wrist slapped. :)
I guess I am being taken far too literally and whatever cities I chose would be shot down. Very little of Houston or Atlanta look like what most of Boston looks like, mixing of old and new and with an old world street layout. And I would like to see an example of where 150 year old buildings sit alongside brand new buildings.

I try to compliment Boston and I get my wrist slapped. :)

Stop trying to be some kind of "nice New Yorker", we all know it's a facade.
I guess I am being taken far too literally and whatever cities I chose would be shot down. Very little of Houston or Atlanta look like what most of Boston looks like, mixing of old and new and with an old world street layout. And I would like to see an example of where 150 year old buildings sit alongside brand new buildings.

I try to compliment Boston and I get my wrist slapped. :)

Well it's hard for a city like Houston and Atlanta to have a large sample of 150 year old buildings when 150 years ago, Houston was barely even a city and Atlanta was burned to the ground during the Civil War. So yes, you're right that they don't have a good mixing of old and new due to the reasons I stated.
Ha! I love it. You caught me! From now on, I will drone on endlessly about bars being open until 4am, how our pizza is better (it is not), and post pictures non-stop of 432 Park Ave, 157 West 57th Street, and the BIG pyramid tower (ohhhh, it is so revolutionary). :) :) :)

Stop trying to be some kind of "nice New Yorker", we all know it's a facade.
Looks like they're progressing pretty quickly on steel. Bets on how fast this tops out?
I'll give em a floor per week pace, so whatever 30 weeks is from now. September?

It's moving now, but I don't think there is a huge rush to get to the 2 levels per week pace.
I love these up-down construction methods...the dirt is barely dug out and yet the steel is already flying.



Oh hey, it's still Christmas at Jacob Wirth's (hi Ralphie!)



today Iphone pics funny how it has the Glass Slipper at its back door and Amazing video at its front ,the 2 last remnants of the Zone?
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Great pictures. This is the project i am the most excited about seeing go up, until the Filene's hole tower starts going up. I really really want to go up into Jacob Wirth`s attic too.
funny how it has the Glass Slipper at its back door and Amazing video at its front ,the 2 last remnants of the Zone?

Bos -- some how I see this tower as ringing down the curtain or perhaps greasing the pole for the demise of the Slipper and the ol Zone
it was such a fun and lively place when I was in my late teens /20's Have other cities cleaned up their red light districts besides Time sq
Went to Jacob Wirth's yesterday (delicous as always). For anyone who hasn't been there in person since the construction began, I recommend you go down and see what they are doing. It's mind boggling how they are wedging this thing right into the space.
Went to Jacob Wirth's yesterday (delicous as always). For anyone who hasn't been there in person since the construction began, I recommend you go down and see what they are doing. It's mind boggling how they are wedging this thing right into the space.

I went on the City of Boston Assessing page to look at the lot dimensions. It's true, it's kind of "wedged in," but there's a huge amount of La Grange St. frontage to this parcel which the project is obviously/naturally taking advantage of...

Incidentally, per Assessing, the LLC for Jacob Wirth's is called "GEMUTLICHKEIT," which wikipedia defines as being German for "a situation that induces a cheerful mood, peace of mind, with connotation of belonging and social acceptance, coziness and unhurry." Nice touch, Jacob Wirth's ownership. Nice touch.
Incidentally, per Assessing, the LLC for Jacob Wirth's is called "GEMUTLICHKEIT," which wikipedia defines as being German for "a situation that induces a cheerful mood, peace of mind, with connotation of belonging and social acceptance, coziness and unhurry." Nice touch, Jacob Wirth's ownership. Nice touch.

That is just soooo appropriate ;)
If you walk around to the LaGrange St. side, you'll see this attached to the fence.

Ah, I'm realizing now that this same render is a couple pages back.
