AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

It's done, but definitely unusual. You can wear a dry suit and be completely fine in the water for a bit. Just a little cold, although I wouldn't want to stay in for more than a few minutes. I sailed in college, and remember sailing an early March regatta way out at Notre Dame in a snow storm. They have a lake on campus that's their water discharge for the steam plant so it never freezes over completely.




Is this tower supposed to be taller, shorter or the same height as the Kensington?
PNF on BRA website says 289 feet. The Kensington is 299.

I think that figure is to the highest occupied floor- IIRC the BRA asked the developer to include the generous mechanical/roof element seen here to bring the total height to 312'.
Is anybody else dumbfounded at how quickly this thing is going up? The core was only 5 stories less than 2 months ago and no steel had gone vertical. Now we're all of a sudden at 22-23 stories of concrete and 10 levels of steel? Impressive.
Is anybody else dumbfounded at how quickly this thing is going up? The core was only 5 stories less than 2 months ago and no steel had gone vertical. Now we're all of a sudden at 22-23 stories of concrete and 10 levels of steel? Impressive.

I'll be more impressed if it looks good when finished and engages pedestrian life at ground level.
I'll be more impressed if it looks good when finished and engages pedestrian life at ground level.

Agreed, and to this point I really hate how the entrance to the garage is on Stuart st instead of Lagrange st. Maybe im picking nits, but just would've made for better street life if the front streetlevel of this building wasn't a driveway to a garage.
It was a parking lot for as long as I can remember so it's not going to be any worse than what it was and will probably be an improvement since there will be people coming and going from the entrance.

Something going into the abandoned building between Jacob Wirth's and the new Hostel would be a much bigger improvement in the area since there is not much of a reason to go much further down Stuart past Jacob Wirth's.
Stuart St definitely needs work on the pedestrian level. It's funny how much of a barrier it feels like despite having two neighborhoods (Chinatown and the Theater District) straddling it.
