AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

Yea that doesn't look good.. hopefully thats on one of the upper floors so it doesn't turn into a long costly repair

The caption of that photo is: "The Boston Fire Department took this photo of a 12th-floor beam"

So it's at the highest completed level.
let me guess, union labor??

in all likelihood yes, 100% union all trades, unless they were trying to be sneaky, you really can't do much in the city (commercially) non-union without causing drawing a picket line.

What I've heard so far, is that it wasn't that a beam or anything was dropped, but they exceeded the dead load limit where they had that steel stored on that floor.
Probably mostly men on that job site too. I'm sensing causation. From now on nothing gets built in Boston that has either men or unions involved.

lol, it hadn't completely occurred to me that he was trying to blame the unions for this.

Also, it's funny how Suffolk has managed to keep their name out of every image/article.
lol, it hadn't completely occurred to me that he was trying to blame the unions for this.

Also, it's funny how Suffolk has managed to keep their name out of every image/article.

Probably because Suffolk isn't the CM on this site. That honor goes to JMA, who is typically not as effective at self promotion as Suffolk.
Probably because Suffolk isn't the CM on this site. That honor goes to JMA, who is typically not as effective at self promotion as Suffolk.

haha, my apologies then.

For some reason I coulda sworn it was Suffolk, I guess I see anything over 20 stories going up and automatically assume it was them.
I wonder how long the accident will delay their schedule. Their first priority has to be reinforcing the lower floors, getting the heavy load off of the fifth floor, repairing the damage up to the 12th before they can get going. Last update I saw said that there was still a worker in the hospital with a serious head injury.
To be fair, I moved this post into this thread. Jahvon may not have been following this thread. Sorry for the confusion.



^ Are those gaps from where damaged panels were removed?
This site appears to have been quiet for the past few days - perhaps because a stop work order has been issued? I'm also wondering if they will need to specially refabricate the affected steal beams and how long that might take. Any sense on when we might see work here resume in earnest?
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