AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

What is that yellow thingy that sits up on top of the concrete core? Is it part of the concrete pumping equipment?
Just a brief update...the damage from the accident is now completely repaired. There was another core jump today and a few steel vertical beams for floors 13 and 14 have been installed. This looks to be back on track.
^ Yay!


Most pics on the previous page are X'd out. What is going on?!
They're back now. Yesterday, there was a problem with them.
Although I'm 99% sure it's due to the perspective of this photo, it is damn satisfying to see something in that area rise above the Kensington and the W. And to think it'll go a bit higher with the crown/mechanical feature as well.

That's a lovely photo, geep, thanks for sharing.
I was driving down Joy Street from Mt. Vernon Street on Thursday or Friday and had a great view of this from that intersection... you must be level to the 15th or 20th floor of the Kensington/AvalonBay Towers from this spot on Beacon Hill. I am confident the core is now taller than The Kensington, and it is very satisfying indeed.

Thanks for the pic(s).
Although I'm 99% sure it's due to the perspective of this photo, it is damn satisfying to see something in that area rise above the Kensington and the W. And to think it'll go a bit higher with the crown/mechanical feature as well.

That's a lovely photo, geep, thanks for sharing.

Based on the 33-floor promoted height, we should have two more core jumps. This thing should actually get even higher.
There was a curbed boston article a few months back about how "this one will be seen". Of course all of the renderings are up close but i was driving from South Boston yesterday the core of this (understanding it's not even close) looked more like a height cousin of the Ritz not the Kensington. This will have the most dramatic impact from the park and the ole Red Line. Think of how the downtown view from the park has changed in 10/15 years -Kensington, Milleinum 1 and 2 Millenium Tower 45 Province, Kensington, Archstone, Arch Street.
Even though I drive the Pike eastbound every morning, it wasn't until this morning's drive that I realized how well you can see the core of this building shortly after passing through the Allston/Brighton tolls when the full view of the city's skyline appears. So yeah, + 1 for "this one will be seen."
