AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

I am sure people who are a lot smarter than myself have already worked this out, but isn't heating a much larger energy hog than AC in Boston? Wouldn't solar gain be a net positive here?

Interior dominated buildings (buildings that have equipment or uses that generate internal heat year around) require more energy to cool than to heat, even in the winter. Good design teams "tune" the buildings to deal with all of these factors.

I'm starting to think (purely from a massing viewpoint) that the "front" portion of this project (seen above in 02124's photo) might have benefitted from multiple setbacks from the street (or similar). That's a lot of wall.
I'm starting to think (purely from a massing viewpoint) that the "front" portion of this project (seen above in 02124's photo) might have benefitted from multiple setbacks from the street (or similar). That's a lot of wall.

My thought exactly. I hope the cladding works.
I love Boston Kitchen Pizza's Buffalo Chicken Pizza and I never want to see it close, but that and the couple buildings leading up to the historical Hayden building should be about 8 - 12 stories taller.
It seems like they are waiting longer than usual to start the cladding.
I agree, but notice how there's that bump out in the corner that wasn't there two weeks ago -- strange that they put off erecting it for so long but now that it's up I imagine we'll see facade panels arriving very soon.

Anyone know what the logistics are behind holding off on that section? It's not like there was a crane or hoist there.
Ummm....whatever the hell I see for the first 4 floors or so on the left side of this pic.......is temporary, right??????? :confused:

lol it's not temporary, it's for the five story garage....hopefully it doesn't all end up looking like that.
