AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

Re: Jacob Wirth's

You don't have to have the building fully designed to pull a building permit. You could have a "permit set" that is not the same as construction documents, which are much more detailed.
So, for example, you might know the massing, location of the column lines, layout of all the units, etc. but not have the fire protection plans done. Your fire protection engineer says he needs a couple more weeks to finish up those plans. So you pull the foundation plan (which doesn't require any fire protection) and start digging. You know that the foundation is going to take 6 weeks so if the fire protection guy is really only a couple weeks from being ready, his delay won't impact your schedule.
At this point Avalon almost certainly has chosen a General Contractor. But they probably haven't agreed to a GMP yet (assuming this is a guaranteed maximum price contract). They've got budget numbers but they probably won't sign a contract with a GMP until the CDs are substantially complete. The GC and architect are working together to finalize the plans based on their impact on the budget.

Do the architects on this Board agree?

Pretty close. In general ... you can pull permits for different parts of the construction process. If they are pouring foundations the project is likely fully designed and the "ducks" to be getting in "a row" will be detailing issues. If there is a part of the building that is not fully designed it would likely be the interior fit-out which can lag behind if there are a fair amount of early packages (i.e. foundation/steel/enclosure/elevators). Also ... if there is a GMP delivery system ... their is a Construction Manager involved. If it is a bid project ... there might be a General Contractor. Eh ... its all semantics.

Re: Jacob Wirth's

Walked by this site today and snapped a picture. It looks like they have poured concrete into some sort of trench that they have been digging on the site. Any idea what purpose the concrete/trench would serve?

Re: Jacob Wirth's

I would suspect underground utilities like power, telephone, data, and fire alarm.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Correct. Most likely your main electrical conduits. Usually encased like that through the foundation wall.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Hmm. So there's some granite blocks underneath all that. I wonder what was here before?



Re: Jacob Wirth's

Stuart St was once Eliot St. Jacob Wirth's establishment was at 60 Eliot, he lived at 62 Eliot. No address for 64 Eliot. 66 Eliot was Wallace & Newton hardware. 68 Eliot was Eliot Hall, a YMCA gymnasium. My guess is the granite was part of Eliot Hall.

The above for 1875, and assumes the Wirth's has not changed location.


^^^ Now Stuart St.

From the history of Jacob Wirth's
Jacob Wirth came from a family of wine growers in Kreuznach, Prussia. He came to America and shortly thereafter, in 1868, he opened his restaurant. In 1878, he moved across the street, to where the restaurant still stands.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

If only that hardware sign had survived.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

One day I will have a garage-sized room full of old signs like that, preferably slathered with neon.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

A lot of action at this site. Foundation or retaining wall going in along the west side of the site. Earth movers very busy, filling trucks, in the center of the site.

45 Stuart Str. 4/8
Re: Jacob Wirth's

Thanks for the pics!

So can we call this "under construction" yet?
Re: Jacob Wirth's

I hope so. I am looking forward to this one going up.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

saw a crane there yesterday will post pic later if someone dont beat me to it :)
Re: Jacob Wirth's

I saw the crane too....it certainly looks like things are being put into the ground.

Things one has been sort of stealthy. The BRA map still says it is board approved, instead of construction.

I certainly hope we are moving into construction. This building should finish off the block nicely.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

FWIW...I read Avalon's First Quarter financial report to investors (it's available on the newroom section of their Website), and in the report, they confirmed that construction on this project has started.

Incidentally, it looks like this building will carry their newish AVA brand, rather than the "Avalon" brand that they use at the Prudential Center and most of their suburban developments. The AVA brand is supposed to cater to urban "generaton Yers" and uses apartment layouts that are condusive to living with roomates. The AVA concept is also supposed to include more "community" space and a higher integration of "technology."
Re: Jacob Wirth's

I wonder how the people who move into that new building behind the site (Kensington?) will feel when they realize their view will not be so stellar.
Re: Jacob Wirth's

The only thing that sucks is this project will cover up the only semi-redeeming side of the Kensington project haha
Re: Jacob Wirth's

From UMASS-Boston, this three block area of buildings is really starting to look dense.
