Thank you, Ron! I am so glad you have enjoyed looking through the 1956 Xmas update. The way Boston is today compared to over 40 years ago...yes, it is sad. Many argue that Boston looks cleaner, has better&more mordern buildings now that attract business and some of the street layout is easier to navigate...but what has I have said before on the Boston's unique soul. The variety...chaos...aging facades...tacky signs...even Unkle Eph....all gave Boston character.
Like it, love it or hate it.....that was Boston.
Now as for Filene's and the word BIG. Filene's was BIG....indeed it was.
But Filene's...Kennedy's...R.H. Stearn's fall into a department store grouping that is slightly different from Jordan's, Gilchrist, Raymond's and White's.
The Filene's group of stores sold mainly clothing and personal goods for the whole family....they also carried household goods like curtains, bedding, small appliances, kitchenware, china, etc....but not huge amounts. Filene's had the most of these other departments of that group of stores. Plus Filene's had a HUGE basement and a very large eaterie on the top floor. Kennedy's had the least of these other departments.
Jordan's, Gilchrist, Raymond's and White's. They were BIG...not so much for building size but for scope of selling departments. Although Jordan Marsh filled two whole blocks and a bit by 1970....making it the biggest "physical" store of the entire group.
These stores carried most things....including hardware store items....even the proverbial kitchen sink

They also featured, at different times during their long retailing lives, speciality departments like pets, bicycles, automotive items, garden shops, food stores, bakery goods, home decorating and re-upholstering services....even storm windows!!!
What normally used to (in the old days) break or divide the stores into the two groups was the inclusion of major household appliances and furniture. Jordan's, Gilchrist, Raymond's and White's all had these items. Jordan's had the largest sections of these....but they all did have them at some stage....thus.....they were BIG, full-line stores.
As far as building size went for all seven:
Jordan's was the largest, Filene's came next, White's was close behind, Gilchrist, then the old Raymond's site where Woolworth's used to be, Kennedy's and R.H. Stearn's would have been a near tie.
Hope that helps
Thanks!!!!! Charles
Hello, All!!!!
Merry, Merry!!!!!!!!!
The December update is now up on the blog and it is a HUGE collection of ads, articles, photos and other goodies all selected from Xmas 1956 
The ads are an assortment from the BIG Boston stores to smaller ones...a great variety of holiday shopping venues from the past to see.
Plus.....a holiday challenge or two!! Come and join in!!