Boston Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton

OMFG. Stop driving and taking pictures. How many times do we need to say this on here?

if you have driven on the Pike eastbound while this project has been ongoing for the last several years, you would know it is virtually impossible to get those pics from the driver's side of the car even going under the speed limit let alone 55+ mph. It is painfully clear (at least to someone who drives by that site multiple times per week) that those pics were NOT taken from the driver's side of the vehicle.
Lol thank you, anyways thats settled and we got dragged off topic. I like how its coming out since the covering was removed. It was looking iffy there for a second, as unfinished projects usually do, but it looks on track to wrap up as a pretty nice place.
I wasn't driving the freaking car. Go away, please. Stop sitting there with your mouse trigger finger ready to just click the shit out of a thread and find something to bitch about. Its late, just stop already jeeeesus christ dude insufferable.

Wow. Hypersensitive a little? On one of the seaport thread we already went thru this where your reflection pegged you from the drivers side. I’m not trying to “find something to bitch about”, I want to make sure you’re not endangering others as it sure as shit had looked like from other driving pics you’ve posted. If that’s not the case here, good.
Lol no you didn't. My girlfriend took that picture....I was there. I have snapped a couple pics before at some red lights, shoot me... but 99% of the time Im either walking somewhere or parked. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Theres a 100% chance you drive and text or have done it before. I have Im not perfect. Anyways Im done talking about this believe whatever you want about whatever you want but this is off topic.
Lol no you didn't. My girlfriend took that picture....I was there. I have snapped a couple pics before at some red lights, shoot me... but 99% of the time Im either walking somewhere or parked. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Theres a 100% chance you drive and text or have done it before. I have Im not perfect. Anyways Im done talking about this believe whatever you want about whatever you want but this is off topic.

I stand by my statements. If in this case I was wrong, so be it - and I’m glad for it cuz it means here you weren’t being unsafe. Either way, youre not a bad guy and this ain’t personal nor about judgment. Safety never is.
All NOT good..... whatever became of the groundbreaking for the 16 piso hotel midrise? The future of Brighton and capitalism rests upon the last sheet of precast, and final brick being laid.
All NOT good..... whatever became of the groundbreaking for the 16 piso hotel midrise? The future of Brighton and capitalism rests upon the last sheet of precast, and final brick being laid.

The pro-development crowd has high standards. You can have construction going on two buildings 6 days a week, but you're still not going fast enough for odurandina because you haven't broken ground on the three other buildings in your PDA.

Seriously guys, this is one of the most active construction projects in Boston, but it is large, so it has these things called phases... You don't have to build everything simultaneously. We've already seen them progress building by building, generally having two under construction at any given time.
Not to mention the phases are laid out and explained lol. Its not like the hotel was supposed to have gone up but got delayed. Everything is going up on time. Orandomdiana check out the NYC development on SkyscraperCity. Theres erections flyin around all over the place in there. Boston just is what it is you either appreciate it for that or you go crazy placing expectations on it that wont be met. Just be happy with the city as a whole and get your fix from elsewhere.
All NOT good..... whatever became of the groundbreaking for the 16 piso hotel midrise? The future of Brighton and capitalism rests upon the last sheet of precast, and final brick being laid.

This is a pretty amazing development - the sheer amount of square footage, and height, ANNND the location (in Brighton, of all places, a very neighborhood-y zone where one would expect strong opposition to everything that's been built), plus a new commuter rail station (with the future prospect of bus line reconfigurations to support further connectivity) all make this a big win. Let's just hope they get the urbanism right and make a nice little activated enclave. The renders showing throngs of pedestrians are of course ridiculous, but I'd say there's still some great potential, especially when one considers the adjacent sites that are waiting to be developed as well.
Thanks a lot. I was just tryin' to keep it lively.... And like you point out -- if something close to 1000 units happens next door, not to mention other projects nearby, the renders with all the gleeful spectators might end up being not too far off.
Nice I passed it today and saw the glass on the upper floor was finished and hoped somebody had captured it. Thanks.
Don't forget that this development, in addition to the hotel, is supposed to get a large indoor athletic facility which is to include a world class indoor track with spectator seating. If that venue hosts regular events (even if on the high school/college level), that could bring a bunch more people to this area in terms of spectators, participants, families etc. At the risk of sounding greedy, with the Celtics facility cladding going up and the residential tower almost complete, I do think it would be great if there was some movement or at least news on the remaining phases.
The residential building sure came out ugly. Any word on the hotel?
