I just wish it wasnt so damn hilly all around the city and it could be seen from further away. You can see nyc from the friggin tappan zee and miiiiiiles away in New Jersey. You can see Boston from... Newton. 2
Theres always gonna be certain places. You can see it all the way out in Mendon too next to the middle school which is reaally far. What Im saying though is having it looming over the trees in the distance no matter where you are if you go outside and look if your anywhere at least around the 95 belt, too hilly though. I love that effect certain cities have though it makes you feel more connected to the city, when your pretty close anyways, where for a ways out you can always see the city over the trees. Flat cities really accentuate this like even Tampa you can see the skyline looming from very far, but theres no hills thats why.
NYC is also wayyyyyy huger and wayyyyyy taller, which probably has something to do with its visibility.
However, Boston can be seen from much further away than Newton, if you know where to look. Without even leaving your car you can literally see the skyline when driving past Gillette Stadium on Route 1 North in Foxboro, and again in Walpole. Here's the spot for the second one, just North of where it passes 95 (still South of 95/128), and it's actually very clear and visible in real life. https://www.google.com/maps/@42.142...4!1s7q8hIKJcPCZeLFYMKd-LlA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
That'd be interesting if true given that another Roche Bros is opening up a mile away at Arsenal Yards. Then again, there are two Whole Foods about the same distance away from each other in Cambridge.
Take with very small grain of salt but heard roche bros might be a tenant of lantera.
No mention of the hotel still, huh?
The landscaping put in at the hotel site looks rather more permanent than temporary, the trees are pretty big for just place-holding.
Parking lot doesnt seem to have an entrance or exit?
What level is the Celtics' practice facility?