Brookline Infill and Small Developments

I hated this thing the first time I saw it. I still don't like how it looks in that first picture (a giant robot head?). But the other two - it looks halfway decent, and I kind of like the contrast with the surroundings. Too bad they couldn't have included more windows. And thank goodness for the wood in that third photo. Instead of the lights they should have put up a huge wreath.
Y'all are a bunch of haters. I finally got to walk by this in person, and I didn't find it nearly as imposing as some have suggested. Also, you can't tell from the flat light in the photos, but the building is a fairly light shade of gray, not Darth Vader black.

Oh, and it's not as disrespectful of context as you might think - Pierce School is right down the street! (heh heh heh)
The back looks much better than I thought it would, based on the renderings.
The church addition isn't too bad from that angle, I'd even say it is kinda handsome. But the other side, the older pics, is pretty bad.
Neighbors wary of Englewood Avenue project over parking, drainage issues in Brookline
By John Hilliard/staff writer
GateHouse News Service

...Michael Barowsky of Boston Development Group pitched the proposed 20-unit apartment building along the Boston line, which includes a two-level parking garage with 85 spaces under the building, according to a project submission. Three of the apartments will be set aside as affordable units....

...The building?s preliminary design includes a 15-foot setback from the street, plus room for a landscaped area near the main entrance....


That article was from July. I think I've heard that a lot of these issues have been resolved and the project is moving forward.
The Korean Church from City Hall park, yesterday:


I like the wall the roofline plays with its neighbor in this photo.

I'm in the camp that is not bothered by this building in the slightest. I love the contrast and think that Brookline Village is charged by this little piece of Tokyo--it's not a game changer in the grand scheme of things but I'm thankful for any building that makes me think abstractly about the environment as I pass by it.
So in regards to the neighbors having issues w/ parking, do they want more or less. 85 spots for 20 residential units seems more than adaquate for the residents living there.
This may include parking for the medical building too.
I like the wall the roofline plays with its neighbor in this photo.

I'm in the camp that is not bothered by this building in the slightest. I love the contrast and think that Brookline Village is charged by this little piece of Tokyo--it's not a game changer in the grand scheme of things but I'm thankful for any building that makes me think abstractly about the environment as I pass by it.

I think it works really well from that angle but not from the other side.
I think it works really well from that angle but not from the other side.

i don't mind that side either.... i mean its a church, since when have we looked to religious architecture to be contextual? Is it any more of a sore thumb than a 100' white spire? At least it's not setback behind a 20' wide lawn like most other churches in this country.
Pierce said:
Is it any more of a sore thumb than a 100' white spire?

When it comes to the Harvard Street side, yes. A 100' white spire may be a sore thumb to some, but it's a typology we're all accustomed to by now whereas the Harvard St. side comes not from this world, doesn't seem to play fair with any of its neighbors, and always jars me when I walk/drive by (which is saying something considering it's been up for over a year now). There's thoughtful dissonance and then there's this thing...

I'll be in the area in a couple weeks and will hopefully remember to shoot a new set of photos of it.
