BU Development Thread


How about in this light, then?

Sert had a hand-picked Spanish design assistant whose job on every project was to produce literally hundreds of color elevation studies, complete with shadows. Anyone who has done such drawings knows how much skill and perseverance is required.

Three times a day, the studies were posted on the wall, and Sert issued further instructions. He never asked anybody's opinion. The result is that these elevations are entirely the result of one man's judgment.

Sert's fees were high enough so he could afford this.

That man was an artist. His buddies Miro, Picasso and LeCorbusier knew that.

I find the eight protuberant boxes near the bottom to be disturbing, and I don't really remember them from before. Does someone know if they were added later as part of a mechanical equipment revision?
So at the right time with the right light, that tower can look nice. However, if you need to stare at it for a really long time, there's better towers that could have been made. Sorry, looking nice once every month doesn't mean it is not ugly. How about the buildings that looks nice most of the time or all the time?
I find the eight protuberant boxes near the bottom to be disturbing, and I don't really remember them from before. Does someone know if they were added later as part of a mechanical equipment revision?

They seem to match, somewhat, with the blanks walls on the upper end of the West wall (pictured). I sure hope it wasn't a mechanical revision. They've always been there, as far as I remember.
So at the right time with the right light, that tower can look nice. However, if you need to stare at it for a really long time, there's better towers that could have been made. Sorry, looking nice once every month doesn't mean it is not ugly. How about the buildings that looks nice most of the time or all the time?

You've missed ablarc's point, which is plainly, that is it exactly the building that the artist intended it to be in all light and shadow. It doesn't merely "catch" the light at the right time.
old uncles say he spending the DRUNKIN times in Spanien und HIDING in Baeza towns. HE saying BU lgeal peeples haus looking like the plalacio JABALQUINTO mit der surface DETAILINS . But. also he drinki this st> greya stuffs und making FACES at guardia nationale with machining guns.FRANCOBOYS thinkin he FRENCH becaz he speaking the hoppy languig wit the STRIPING shirt and berett and girly fiend.

SO. I takin the observations with MUCHflate of salts
Sorry, looking nice once every month doesn't mean it is not ugly.

Seems to me that shot was taken on a partly cloudy day in late spring or summer at around 6 PM.... those days happen a lot.

A couple more shots from this weekend:


i love how much the bu tower extends the skyline by a few miles looks real good.
Found this on wikipedia. Don't know if it was posted or not.

That would be one sick state school. If I could go to BU with UMass tuition rates I'd be on it in a second.
Would you still go if it had UMass instead of BU resources?
Kennedy, the secret about college (and I didn't learn this until much too late) is that the sticker price means almost nothing.

I knew that my family didn't have anywhere near the money to pay for a private college, and I assumed I'd be UMass-bound. Only at the beginning of junior year during a chat with my guidance counselor did I learn of the bitch-goddess known as financial aid. I stepped up my studying a bit at that point and ended up going to a private college. My parents paid very little, I got lots of grant money from the school and, yes, I now owe $50K to the US Education Dept's Direct Loans program.

That's a chain around my neck, but you spread the payments out and pay about $200 per month. It's bearable -- and it forces you to get a job and consider your finances in a more adult fashion than many of my funemployed moneyed friends with no loans are currently able to do. I have no doubt that with a degree from a decent school I have the opportunity to earn $50K more over X-many years than I would have had I attended UMass.

I'm not sure what grade you're in, or what stage in the college apps process you're at. But unless your family has a high income they don't want to share with you, don't be too freaked out by the sticker price. I was, and one of my biggest regrets from high school is that no one explained this to me before junior year.
First, no I wouldn't go to it if it had UMass resources instead of BU.

itchy, I get that part. I'm more worried about graduate school. Four years of in-state tuition is very reasonable compared to some friends headed off to BU, etc. But three to three and a half years at $40,000+ on top of that is a tad bit unnerving.
