BU Development Thread

Re: New BU Tower

December 13


Re: New BU Tower

Boston University tops off new student housing
Monday, December 17, 2007 - 2:27 PM EST
Boston Business Journal

Mayor Thomas Menino joined Boston University president, Robert Brown, at today's topping off ceremony to place the last beam of steel in place for a new 960-bed residence hall.

The residence hall, called Student Village Phase II, consists of two towers -- one 19 stories high, the other 26 stories -- and offers both suite-style and apartment-style rooms. The 26-story building will house juniors and seniors while the 19-story building will house sophomores. The suites will have four single and two double bedrooms, with a shared kitchen and two bathrooms; the apartments will have four single bedrooms per unit.

Currently, there are about 11,190 Boston University undergraduates living in campus housing. With the new building, 80 percent of undergraduates will be able to live on campus. Student Village Phase II is scheduled to open in 2009.

Re: New BU Tower

This went up in the blink of an eye. Having 80% of students on campus is a pretty good number, I assumed it was less.
Re: New BU Tower

does anyone know if they have additional student dorm buildings planned beyond this phase 2?
Re: New BU Tower

They plan to build at least one, if not two more highrises at the Student Village site in a future phase. There is plenty of room for two highrises at this location.
Re: New BU Tower

They plan to build at least one, if not two more highrises at the Student Village site in a future phase. There is plenty of room for two highrises at this location.

According to the BU student newspaper from last year:
In the distant future, according to Berchert, a third building will need to be constructed, containing more than 500 additional beds.
Re: New BU Tower

Theres also talk about a new dorm closer to Kenmore. Maybe at the BK site.

This is loooong term though
Re: New BU Tower

Theres also talk about a new dorm closer to Kenmore. Maybe at the BK site.

This is loooong term though

I thought the old Burger King site was for a computer science building.
Re: New BU Tower

I thought the old Burger King site was for a computer science building.

BU had several plans that seem to be on indefinite hold now:

-a new Law School building at Commonwealth and the BU bridge
-the aforementioned Computer Science building on the BK site
Re: New BU Tower

^It could certainly be a nice gateway into the BU campus from Kenmore--a necessary gateway, really.
Re: New BU Tower

When will BU build something on the large vacant lot, across Deerfield Street from the 02215 post office?
Vacant? Why, it's usefully filled with cars.

(Some of the time.}
Re: New BU Tower

Sorry guys about my relative absence as of late, but starting in a day or two I'll have hundreds (and I mean it - literally hundreds) of photos to share, starting with this development. I'm writing from work, so no pictures just yet, but I'll be back in business soon enough!
Re: New BU Tower

Sound's great kz! I've missed having you around and hearing your comments about stuff. It's great to hear from you again!
Re: New BU Tower

When will BU build something on the large vacant lot, across Deerfield Street from the 02215 post office?

it's my understanding that this parcel has been earmarked for a new law tower.

The parcel that now houses bu academy (directly across from the gsu) has been taken off the table for the law tower, based on the lofty goals set for that area and above the pike last year.
Re: New BU Tower

^interesting. I hope they incorporate retail into the Kenmore corner of this lot as well as tear down the terrible howard johnson dormitory in favor of a taller student village like tower.
Re: New BU Tower

Can they also raze the Hotel Commonwealth? That, like City Hall or the Central Artery, was a stinker from Day One.

And if this lot ends up looking anything like the Commonwealth...
Re: New BU Tower

^it will likely resemble the campus architecture--brick. hopefully they will go for something more cutting edge but thats unlikely.
