Correct me if I am wrong, but compared to 24 years ago, the only significant difference in this view (skyline-wise) is 111 Huntington.
I guess one could argue that 33 Arch St, espcially given it's color, adds to the view.
All the other buildings constructed in the last quarter century in this picture are barely visable (1 Lincoln, The Millineum Towers, 2 International Place, etc.). Though off the top of my head I do not recall exactly when 1 Exchange Place and 1 International were built, but suffice it to say it was closer to 24 years ago than now. . . [/QUOT I had a much higher view I could see from the Alewife towers all of Cambridge,all of downtown,BackBay and it ended at Northeastern.Here ar

e my views from 1985(Alewife not included!)