BU Development Thread

Yes, I think the entrance into Boston is unattractive coming in from the West but I'm always distracted by looking at the BU Village and admiring the high-rises. Plus, if you look off to the west you see the Charles River and the financial district skyline, off to the distance. So, not too bad. Beats coming into NYC and seeing nothing but housing projects.
Symbolically, I'd agree. But when you're approaching from the west, be it by car or train, the BU cluster is by far the more emphatic place marker; you KNOW you're in The City once you hit those toll gates and see the new tower lording over the area.
One of the better angles on this monster.
today on storrow dr. Going 60 mph did'nt capture the way the sun was setting on this building makeing the glass a shimmering green!
Hopefully this will fill in the massive hole in the fabric of Kenmore Sq.
That is unlikely since it is fronting the Bay State Road side and not Commonwealth.
It's been planned for 5+ years.

It's been kept secret because there will be huge student backlash when the plan is full revealed next semester.
Why would students object to making this part of Bay State Road more attractive?
I don't think most of them are as development-oriented as us and would probably object to their food being moved further away from them. That is my take anyway.
Why would students object to making this part of Bay State Road more attractive?

Not object to a new building, but closing 3 dining halls with their history and distinct character, atmosphere and food quality and pushing everybody in to one larger location with longer lines.

Myles Standish and Shelton both retain the charm of the hotel dining rooms.

Most students of course, dont care about the historic part, but do care about having to walk down the street for food, especially in the winter.

The BU administration will probably push it through anyway, and then wonder why so few alumni give back to the school.
A dining hall right inside your dorm?? Sweet. Those of us who suffered the walk to and from dinner at UMASS-Amherst every day will offer you no condolences.
A dining hall right inside your dorm?? Sweet. Those of us who suffered the walk to and from dinner at UMASS-Amherst every day will offer you no condolences.

I think most universities offer dining halls inside dorms, at least the larger dorms. (At least from what I remember when I was applying to colleges)

Myles Standish (with annex) holds over 700 students, so having a dining hall shouldn't be a surprise.
The dining halls affected by this are outdated and a bit depressing. They are small and do not offer what is expected of the typical BU student, especially now that they can walk 2 blocks to Warren towers for made to order service, or the GSU. Consolidating these residences is a fantastic idea--not only will it allow these students better food, it will pull this section of campus together in a way that doesn't exist at the present time. Not a single person affected by this will have to walk more than a block from where they currently live.
The dining hall in Sleeper is brand new and f*cking unbelievable. Fresh food cooked in front of you. Sleeper is rather depressing to live in, but that dining hall would certainly be worth it. I have no idea about the other dining halls. Just thought I'd share that based on the track record, new dining halls at BU are probably a good thing for students. My experience is based on three days over the summer for a lacrosse camp, run by Harvard, but we were housed at BU.

God, I'm hungry thinking about it. My parents were shocked to hear that the food was one of the best parts of the trip. When they told me about their dining halls, I made food quality a top five priority in school choice.

Note: Only half of this is a lie.
I can give a bit more detailed. There's an observation that the quality of food increases east to west. So, the general feel is, in terms of taste, Miles < Shelton < Towers < Warren < West (GSU is debate as a dining hall and it can screw with the east-west view).

I also want to note that the general thinking of BU students and dining is usually loving it as a freshman and then decline to opinions based on the person. Some are reasonable and see that they have become too used to the taste despite how they try to mix it up. Others talk as if it is one of the worst in the country.

Anyways, back to the subject, that view is dying as changes came Towers have bettered themselves. I also noted that Shelton's late night dining have bettered too, I would even say superior to Warren's (except maybe the fries, I don't know how good it is at Shelton at earlier times).

Each dining hall does have a unique feel. Shelton does still retain the hotel feel. The sentiment have changed and there are people who say Tower's food is better than Warren's, though the basement thing does depresses the place a bit. I can't give an opinion of Myles, it been too long, but I heard it is still bad (one person I know commentated that taking a girl to Warren who eats regularly there may equal to a date). Warren is, in general, pretty good, though I never find their stir fry ever attractive (while everywhere else seems pretty good). West is generally hailed as the best.

The general sentiment of the new dining hall is largely the issue of the loss of the in-dorm dining halls. It might be only a block or two for a walk, but it is nice to just go downstairs and there's food right there.

Also, does anyone thinking just building a dining hall with a student center in that parking lot a waste of space? Perhaps I am overestimating the potential of the site, but I think it can hold more than just a dining hall. I'm not sure of what of to think of an east student center.
Also, does anyone thinking just building a dining hall with a student center in that parking lot a waste of space? Perhaps I am overestimating the potential of the site, but I think it can hold more than just a dining hall. I'm not sure of what of to think of an east student center.

Absolutely a waste of space on a prime lot -- which is why I believe that there will be more to this than just a dining hall and student services. Come to think of it though, this is a small lot on Bay State Road and there may be height restrictions (just speculating) that will keep the building in line with the brownstones.
