Bulfinch Crossing | Congress Street Garage | West End

Walsh is a badass.... with his and Golden's leadership, the 647' Fatty could bring about the end of any number of ugly buildings. What combination of events and miracle banking (considering the players) that would bring about such remarkable change is unclear. ...but this is not your daddy's Mayoral/Building Dept team. In sight is all amazing. Over the horizon could blow people's minds.
Idk I definitely feel like this is being built. Idk what vacancies your looking at but Boston has historically low vacancies right now and Im sure there will be a tenant who will want this premium new office space on transit lines. They can also move the wtc like I was saying. I dont think the markets cooling just yet. This would mean the hub on causeway will also be put on hold, which is on ever better transit lines....or either or. I feel like their full steam ahead on this though.
Page 110 of this thread was filled with beautiful pictures and our commentary on design.
Page 111 this thread is typical aB negativity, political crap, and bickering about market assumptions.

I prefer 110.
Page 110 of this thread was filled with beautiful pictures and our commentary on design.
Page 111 this thread is typical aB negativity, political crap, and bickering about market assumptions.

I prefer 110.

100% my fault. I apologise.

I'd like to see some city input on the road system around these buildings. Congress/Merrimac is a very obvious corridor and from State Street all the way to Lomasney Way it still very much feels like the post-urban-renewal-destruction urban highway planners of yesteryear designed it to be. The obvious need for cycle tracks has already been mentioned on this thread. The view shown here shows another roadway that desperately needs reconfiguration: the end of New Chardon Street. The last end of New Chardon looks like what it is: a highway entry/off ramp. Given that the tunnel speed is 35mph, there's no reason why the ramps need such wide access roads. As this whole area will be dug up as part of this project, the city has an opportunity to step in and coordinate revamping both the North Washington & New Chardon as well as New Chardon & Merrimac intersections.
Beautiful. I like this tower the more I look at it.

Is that screen on the top decorative?
Beautiful. I like this tower the more I look at it.

Is that screen on the top decorative?

As opposed to what? Yes its decorative if you don't count screening mechanical equipment from view.

.........all of these have been from bulfinchcrossing.com

There is an amazing section of that site that lets you see the 360 degree views from the office tower at 3 different heights. You can also zoom in on those views for some really nice detail!

This is a screen shot I took of a view offered by this tool.

Capture by David Z, on Flickr
The floor plate is too big for a hotel for both of those buildings, but especially for this one. Hotels need smaller floor plates that are relatively skinny so that each room gets windows and space isn't wasted. A tower of this size and shape really only works with offices and not much else.
The floor plate is too big for a hotel for both of those buildings, but especially for this one. Hotels need smaller floor plates that are relatively skinny so that each room gets windows and space isn't wasted. A tower of this size and shape really only works with offices and not much else.

I disagree. This is a good, not perfect, floor plate for a hotel (or even condo). Could do a rectangular corridor around the core and perpendicular demising walls. They could slim it down even further too if they do end up going the hotel route.

Yeah the issue with fat floorplates not being good for hotel or residential is when they're fat in both dimensions. This one is only really fat in one direction, so I think they could make it work just fine.

That said, I'd love to see it remain an office for other reasons...in that I'd love to see another major company move into Boston
+1. The Custom's house is still the the tallest hotel in the city.

I think that both the Marriott Copley Place (39 floors) and the Westin Copley Place (38 floors) beat the Custom House Tower by several floors (32 floors I believe).
I think that both the Marriott Copley Place (39 floors) and the Westin Copley Place (38 floors) beat the Custom House Tower by several floors (32 floors I believe).

Beat by "highest occupiable floors," but not architectural roof height.
