Bulfinch Crossing | Congress Street Garage | West End

I'm an amateur at this - but I wonder if this surface wasteland moment would be an opportune time to mess around below to make the NSRL better positioned for future possibility?
None of the NSRL routing alternatives pass directly underneath this site, so there's nothing to provision for.
I know the odds of this are between slim and none, but what I would LIKE to see happen is to revise the 2nd residential to be as tall and dense as possible (potentially taller and with more units than The Sudbury), and turn the rest of the site into a park.
None of the NSRL routing alternatives pass directly underneath this site, so there's nothing to provision for.
With the Big Dig, didn’t some of the surface portals begin not directly over the tunnels? I thought perhaps some of the surface entries around Fort Point were not straight down but angled downward. I could be wrong.
