Bulfinch Crossing | Congress Street Garage | West End

Re: Congress Street Garage Development

New filing posted: http://www.bostonredevelopmentauthority.org/DevelopmentProjects/PipeDocs/Government%20Center%20Garage%20Redevelopment/Government%20Center%20Garage%20Redevelopment_DPIR.pdf

Main changes:
- Lowers 600ft office building to 528ft and further setback.
- Lowers 275ft hotel/condo building to 157ft.
- Speeds up the garage demo.
- Shifts 30,000sq ft from office to residential.

Globe article: http://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2013/08/26/government-center-garage-redevelopment-plan-revised/HwauB2Ie3fwIlm8PnE7o4O/story.html
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

I dearly want to complain about the height reductions, but if that's what it takes to actually get this project done...

Ugh. Better than it being dead I suppose.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

The reductions aren't so bad, especially since they come from the office space rather than the residential. This project will still be revolutionary for the streetscape and the skyline. Let's get a wrecking ball in there tomorrow!
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

PDF is still downloding, but I will say this anyways....

Lame lame lame lame lame. Eat shit and die to anyone that had issue with this development. And go to Hell HYM for being so weak for nothing. Why do you care what entitled idiots think?
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

True that. Reviewed the revised PNF, I guess it won't be too bad now that I have a better picture.

Here's a new rendering from the PNF. The inclined roof would be nice.
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Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Ok, now that this obligatory silliness is over, let's build the damn thing. The shorter towers still look kinda nice too.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

From filing. Underlining is mine. Same shit, different building. More cheap precast panels, alucobond and dumb windows. Why can't we have nice things?

3.3 Architecture and Materiality
Figure 3.4 shows an aerial rendering of the revised Project. WP-B1 will have an entrance and address on New
Sudbury Street. This building is currently designed as a “point block” building that is a residential floor plate
composed of apartments surrounding a central elevator core (as opposed to a corridor building with
apartments down both sides of a central hallway). It will be a relatively slender upper massing with a floor
plate which is a departure from typical bigger floor plates that are quite common in Boston. The exterior
building façade treatment, or “skin,” will be carefully
articulated precast concrete with some elements of
glass curtain wall and metal panel infill
. WP-B1 will have operable windows giving its facades a readable
scale. The lower levels of this apartment building pass through and in front of the Garage. One set of
structural columns will pass within an existing interstitial space in the existing Garage and a second set of
columns will land just outside the Garage. This set of columns just outside the Garage will allow the addition
of single-loaded apartment units which will wrap and hide the Garage from view in this area. At the ground
level, the apartment building will have a residential lobby and new adjacent retail activating the street level
and also hiding the Garage from view in this area.
The proposed office building (WP-B2) will have an address and lobby entrance on New Chardon Street. It
will be a glass and aluminum curtain wall clad building
. It is generally intended to be a highly efficient,
modern, multi-tenant downtown office building; but it will have a modest degree of elegant rooftop
articulation and a broad canopy and a small street front public plaza marking its entrance. The office building
will not have operable windows, but the pattern and texture of mullions and non-transparent materials will
provide a scale-giving texture
. Adjacent to the office lobby will be new street front retail spaces, completing the conversion of the former garage entrance and helix area into a vibrant street front with very active
pedestrian and street front uses
The West Parcel (WP-B3) apartment building will, on the lower levels, be a corridor building with singleloaded
units that wrap the Garage on Congress and New Sudbury Streets. Once the building is above the
existing garage height, it will transition into a point block building footprint at the corner of New Sudbury
and Congress Streets. The design of WP-B3 will be a combination of pre-cast/metal panel and curtain wall
The proposed hotel/condominium building (EP-B1) will be a corridor building as it follows Congress Street
and forms one side of the new pedestrian plaza. This building will have a dynamic architectural quality
resolving the acute corners formed by the urban grid of Boston through unique resolutions of building
A smaller office building is located on the East Parcel (EP-B2) along the Greenway. This trapezoidal shape
building is uniquely formed by the public desire lines of the new public plaza that connects Washington
Street, Canal Street and the Greenway. This unique form also steps down from the Bulfinch Triangle towards
the Greenway to respond carefully to the context. This building will play a threshold role by responding to
two scales – a bottom portion that responds to the more solid historic nature of the Blackstone Block while the
upper portion begins to transition to a more transparent idiom consistent with rest of the development.
Lastly, the retail building in East Parcel (EP-B3) is intended to be iconic, transparent and glowing while
providing a great terminus to Canal Street, but also celebrating the intersection of Congress Street, the
Greenway, and Canal Street with shared presence on all three streets.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Nice rendering downburst, this looks really good! I hope this starts soon

are there balconies on the residential tower? Thats something I'd like to see more of
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

From filing. Underlining is mine. Same shit, different building. More cheap precast panels, alucobond and dumb windows. Why can't we have nice things?

Because not-so-nice things make just as much money for the developer at a fraction of the cost?
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Value engineered but still a good attempt at fixing the urban fabric. When does construction start?
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

I really hope the eastern part with the pedestrian mall works out. They are hoping to funnel people from the Haymarket stalls up to Canal St. If this works it will create a wonderful urban experience.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Ehhhhhh, screw this shit. Keep the garage until a developer with actual balls wants to build something. Revolutionary my ass. It's the same height as every other building in the plateau (and not even the top of the plateau either, 2nd tier, value engineered, eff it).
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

^ True it isn't taller than the plateau, but it also isn't in the middle of it. This significantly extends the skyline northward connecting the financial district to the west end and North station towers.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

I just read most of the comments in the filing that these losers made. Its's amazing how many sociopathic jerkoffs there are in this city. They have nothing better to do? And what's the difference really between 600 and 528 ft in terms of being threatened by a building? You could argue the same thing to me on the flipside I suppose, but I am not Rainman enough to contest an urban proposal.

I seriously want to drag these people out of their apartments and burn their homes down. They continue to give provincial Boston a bad name.

There will be no skyline extension. It's a plateau extension.

I agree about keeping the garage until someone with balls comes along.

Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Because not-so-nice things make just as much money for the developer at a fraction of the cost?

Yea but the plan of the developers wasn't to build it like this. The first plan was incredible. Would have been the best development in the city in my opinion. That got yelled down. Then they came back with the second draft, which wasn't as nice as the first draft but still great...then that got yelled down. Now we're getting a project which still appears to be quite nice, but it's faced significant reductions in quality because some cunt NIMBYs can't get over "me! me! me!".

Fuck these people.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

No no no no and no!!

What drives me crazy is that we spent thousands of dollars and countless hours of community meetings developing a Greenway zoning plan that said a tower of up to 600 ft. is allowed on this site. The developer has every right to build that high and the community has every right to shut up. It was within the zoning limits, what the hell are they doing chopping it down? Menino even gave this and the CSC tower a tacit endorsement recently!

I guess this is to be expected from the stellar development team that gave us Waterside Place. This isn't the spot for a cheap stump. I vote to keep the garage.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Everyone needs to stop whining. 500 ft towers are the Boston norm. If you want 700+ ft towers, move to NYC.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

I And what's the difference really between 600 and 528 ft in terms of being threatened by a building?

None, but the entire plan was changed because of them.

They can forever look at the buildings and know that they're different because of their voice.

That's what NIMBYism is, a quest for validation and control. Nobody really believes an extra floor or two is going to hurt the city, the same way nobody at an HOA really believes the wrong color mailbox is going to hurt the sale price of a house down the road.

The Onion did a nice writeup about it.
Re: Congress Street Garage Development

Everyone needs to stop whining. 500 ft towers are the Boston norm. If you want 700+ ft towers, move to NYC.

It's not even 100% about the height, it's the reduction in quality. This development was gorgeous when it started out.
