Cambridge Crossing (NorthPoint) | East Cambridge/Charlestown | Cambridge/Boston

Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

Stonehenge II?
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

Yes, that's part of the Red Bridge viaduct that splits the Union Square Branch, Medford Branch, and carhouse leads over the Fitchburg Line tracks.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

green line?
Took these photos a couple days ago and it is the GLX work as EGE states.

Looking N from Zinc site.
Looking SE from Zinc site.
Looking E from Zinc site. More GLX.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

These two photos are of the cleanup going on at the Northpoint site.
Note the new parcel signs. The GLX/river work is going on behind the line of jersey barriers in the background of the second photo.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

Cool! I'd be pretty sure that the smaller supports (to the right of the "train" ones) are supports for the bike path.
Took these photos a couple days ago and it is the GLX work as EGE states.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

I was about to post a nearly identical (except inferior) picture!
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

So is this part of the GLX work that's continuing or has it stopped?
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

So is this part of the GLX work that's continuing or has it stopped?
They've gone as far as ordering the steel that sits on these supports (just about the only contract we weren't gouged on, 'cause steel fabrication is competitive and transparent)

I don't know if they've actually done the contract that sits the steel on the supports they're building.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

Yes this work has slowly, and loudly, progressed from when I posted the support casting and plans shots a few months ago. Large pits have been dug as far south as the Gilmore bridge.

At the S+T annual meeting, the DivcoWest (owners post HYM) official update was that the site was being beautified and simplified so it would compete better against other parcels in Cambridge. On Friday, 18 December, DivcoWest finished a number of slightly elevated roadways, as well as filling in the giant pit parcel that was left following the completion in T|20. Most of the large rocks have been gravelized, with some stored near the MBTA lot.

In other news...

My friends, who live at Avalon Lofts, just received a notice about parking/deliveries changes in light of the construction of Avalon, Phase III. You read that right! Their mailing notes that construction will begin in earnest in January and all new traffic/parking rules go into effect on 4 January. As S+T owners, we have seen nothing about this, despite promises to the contrary (if and when they got their act together). To remind you who might not recall: this should be a single, or collection of, mid size building(s) to the west of Tango, between the latter and the current green line tracks. It is currently a gravel lot swimming with towing sharks and rarely used by more than a few vehicles.

I assume this could be wood frame. Given that the ground might be freezing by then, I wonder how they will handle excavations for parking...
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

Given that the ground might be freezing by then, I wonder how they will handle excavations for parking...

Insulated blankets over the ground and bigger excavators.

I doubt very much that blasting would be used here, but 25 years ago during a very cold winter, while working on a building out in north central Mass, blasting was used to break up the 3 or 4' thick frozen ground into small enough chunks that the excavator could work with. The site contractor may have been limited to the biggest excavator they owned. Of course, it helped that the general contractor was also the fire chief.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

That is great news! I hope that they create a better drop off/pick up area for Avalon residents.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

My friends, who live at Avalon Lofts, just received a notice about parking/deliveries changes in light of the construction of Avalon, Phase III. You read that right! Their mailing notes that construction will begin in earnest in January and all new traffic/parking rules go into effect on 4 January. As S+T owners, we have seen nothing about this, despite promises to the contrary (if and when they got their act together). To remind you who might not recall: this should be a single, or collection of, mid size building(s) to the west of Tango, between the latter and the current green line tracks. It is currently a gravel lot swimming with towing sharks and rarely used by more than a few vehicles.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

Addition of retail... Very very good. Also I'm glad that they're thinkin of consolidating open space rather than having a bunch of useless green squares.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

Divco West, which bought the Northpoint parcels from HYM late last year, will host us (owners in the two Northpoint condo buildings) this evening to broadcast the firm's plans for the next few years. Hopefully we'll get some details on the Nortpoint infrastructure buildout (utility lines and roadways that are supposed to be finalized in 2016), construction plans (2017), and fill out (Twenty|20's vacant three retail establishments).

There are a few of us from Arch Boston who live in Northpoint (Tango?) so hopefully we will have some news to share with you on the morrow...
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

I was kinda hopin they would hold off on this until the nsrl was completed because this area needs to be used for the construction.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

I was kinda hopin they would hold off on this until the nsrl was completed because this area needs to be used for the construction.

Even in the best case scenario, that would be holding off a very long time.If they decide tomorrow to move forward with NSRL, shovels will hit the ground some time around 10 years from now.
Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.)

Northpoint won't be impacted at all by any future NSRL construction. Tunneling would be 100% under MBTA, MassHighway, or Boston Sand & Gravel property once it crosses the river. Portals would be on the far SE corner of the Boston Engine Terminal property...about ~1000 ft. past the Gilmore Bridge traced under each of the existing Fitchburg and Lowell tracks. And any project staging would fit well inside BET's security fence where those piles of scrap rail and ties are stored around the perimeter access road.

Compared to GLX construction vs. current Northpoint construction, NSRL construction vs. filled-out Northpoint is 2-3x further away. There'll be some nice vantage points from the rear high-rises of construction activity, but they'll probably never hear any of it over the regular din of trains, cars, and trucks.
