Center for Student Services @ BU |100 Bay State Rd | Back Bay

Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

I just got the most recent quarterly issue of the Bostonia BU alum magazine. Cover story was a largely fluff piece on the university's revival under Bob Brown. Most interesting point was how changing their investment portfolio has recovered much of the lost endowment cash that they squandered in the mid-00's market decline with shoddy higher-risk stocks during the incompetent late-era Westling and interim-Silber administrations. That whole leadership chaos and fiscal mismanagement threatened their building boom, which looked like it was going to slow considerably once existing projects finished. Partly because they pissed off so many alumni donors that they were no longer getting much in the way of construction gifts from big-cash donors. But now it looks like they're planning to reload for a second push.

I don't know if this is actual financial robustness...their PR whitewash machine is pretty airtight, and as an alum I don't even flinch anymore at how much we're being spun. But I guess Brown deserves some considerable credit for cleaning things up. Now if they could just get away from the bland beige campus architecture fetish as further distancing from the bad old Silber days...
Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

^I couldn't agree more -- if Brown can lift BU out of the horrid influences of Silber Architecture, I think his legacy is already set in stone. The East Campus Center is a good example of Brown distancing himself from Silber, bringing in architects from the other side of the river (where Brown is more comfortable).
Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)






Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

Nothing new -- kicking around some dirt:

Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

Sorry if this has been mentioned before. What are BU's plans for the parking lot facing Kenmore on that corner? Anything in the immediate or short term?
Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)





Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

I never noticed that "missing tooth" on Bay State Rd. before. If BU owns it, they should build an infill rowhouse.
Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

^ I just noticed it too. But I'm sure they turned it into a "community garden" or something.
Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

It's a yard shared by BU's Naval and Air Force ROTCs, which occupy the buildings to the right and left, respectively. It's also a convenient cut-through when you're hopping from one MIT frat party to another.
Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

The building is supposed to have a basement level, but I dont see digging.
Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

^Here you go.

Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

I like how the Hojo, with 7 floors...on a platform, is so much shorter than the 9 floor SMG building.

Thats the strategy new developers should take.

Propose a 9 story building.
Have the committee make it 8 floors.

Build a 600ft tower with 9 floors.
A year later, decide that the 32 foot ceilings are uncomfortable, and new floors should be added.
Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

Should be going vertical soon:

Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

I keep peeking thru the gap on storrow dr looking for the crane lol!
Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

One from today:

Re: B.U. East Campus Center (100 Bay State Rd)

Thats a nice looking hole
