Children's Hospital Addition | Binney St | LMA | Fenway

Re: Children's Hospital Addition

from Dot
Re: Children's Hospital Addition

As of yesterday the crane has been removed and replaced with an exterior construction elevator. On the southside beams you can see the names of patients.
Re: Children's Hospital Addition

took this on Friday, so thats it on this one!
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Re: Children's Hospital Addition

Not much to see here


Re: Children's Hospital Addition

Oh, and because I don't know where to post these, here's the building at the corner of Longwood and Ave Louis Pasteur:


Re: Children's Hospital Addition

The photos lie...the glass looked much more dull in person.
Re: Children's Hospital Addition

Great blue sky you had today...thanks for the updates!
Re: Children's Hospital Addition

Not sure if there's a separate thread for this one:

Children's Hospital lowers height of proposed Fenway building

Bowing to Audubon Circle NIMBYs, who of course, are still complaining.


NIMBY rep said:
“It’s still not ideal, and we are still concerned about the height and the number of parking spaces,” she said. “But we have a good working relationship with the people at Children’s and we think it’s an improvement, but eight stories is still out of scale with out neighborhood. We ... look forward to additional conversations as the design gets closer to reality.”
Re: Children's Hospital Addition

The volume of hot air is out of scale with her head.

Its on a hill, the street level looks to be only six floors. Which is 100% in scale with everything in the area
Re: Children's Hospital Addition

Oh thanks BeeLine. BBJ linked the to wrong image. Mea culpa.
Re: Children's Hospital Addition

^^ Not your fault. BBJ blew it, but CC is correct it's a crappy color.
Re: Children's Hospital Addition

I don't see how the NIMBYs think they're negotiating this down any more. BCH has already conceded that the reworked designed is inefficient and contrary to their original plans. They neighborhood busybodies should count their winnings and go back inside before the hospital decides to go with the original plan after all.
Re: Children's Hospital Addition

Neighborhood groups are not elected representatives nor are they trained, licensed professionals yet they are defacto city planners in that they are given large veto powers and can heavily influence the downsizing of a project or even whether it lives or dies.

Addressing legitimate resident concerns is important but so is drawing the line against NIMBY excess. Leaders are required for this not rubber-spined capitulators.
