Circle Cinema Redevelopment | Cleveland Circle | Brighton

This video should answer everybody's question regarding how the rest of demo will go.

From twitter:
@tyeguy44: Last piece of Circle Cinema comes down this morning during MBTA shutdown.
This video should answer everybody's question regarding how the rest of demo will go.

From twitter:

Outstanding! Thanks for the post, stefalarchitect.

I'm glad it came down nicely in the direction they wanted. I'm also glad they did it during MBTA shutdown, that suggests the appropriate due diligence was being done on safety. They managed to get the walls off from the track-side of the steel frame before yanking it over, that's interesting.

Now I can stop my (admittedly very mild) worrying about it.
A little late to this thread, but I have many memories at that theater. Have some drinks at the Ground Round and then off to the movies.
A little late to this thread, but I have many memories at that theater. Have some drinks at the Ground Round and then off to the movies.

I so miss the Ground Round. This one and the one at Alewife that was razed for the sterile T Mobile/TD Bank/Chipoltle strip mall. Also positioned to tap Apple Cinemas moviegoers. Too bad the franchise went bankrupt in the early-00's and abruptly pulled out of the region during the reorg, because it was having sort of a kitsch revival amongst Millennials. Where else could you get some cheap food, bottomless popcorn refills, and watch Looney Tunes shorts on a projection screen to get yourself in the mood ahead of the main event?
I so miss the Ground Round. This one and the one at Alewife that was razed for the sterile T Mobile/TD Bank/Chipoltle strip mall. Also positioned to tap Apple Cinemas moviegoers. Too bad the franchise went bankrupt in the early-00's and abruptly pulled out of the region during the reorg, because it was having sort of a kitsch revival amongst Millennials. Where else could you get some cheap food, bottomless popcorn refills, and watch Looney Tunes shorts on a projection screen to get yourself in the mood ahead of the main event?

I had my 4th birthday party at the Cleveland Circle Ground Round in 1979. Back then everyone use to throw the peanut shells from the complimentary peanuts all over the floor. It added to the atmosphere/fun as a child. Then they tried to clean it up and make it more like a 99 style restaurant and it was never the same.
I had my 4th birthday party at the Cleveland Circle Ground Round in 1979. Back then everyone use to throw the peanut shells from the complimentary peanuts all over the floor. It added to the atmosphere/fun as a child. Then they tried to clean it up and make it more like a 99 style restaurant and it was never the same.

Love places where you can throw peanut shells on the floor. Never seen a place like that in Boston/Mass/New England/Any of the northeast for that matter. Perhaps Trump will lead a return to the era of bowling allies and peanut shells on the floor.
Love places where you can throw peanut shells on the floor. Never seen a place like that in Boston/Mass/New England/Any of the northeast for that matter. Perhaps Trump will lead a return to the era of bowling allies and peanut shells on the floor.

Texas Roadhouse. There's one in Everett.
This looks like it's actually one of the best new developments in the area. Contextual in materials and traditionally urban in massing. On par with the stuff they are building in Malden. Idk why the peripheral developments are so good, but the high profile central Boston developments are so bad.
Is it just me or does this look like a better version of one canal.

