Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion


With all the GOVT Regulations.. I'm not sure if any business besides the Service sector will be able to survive in the United States in the future.

The costs of employing the American working class for these corporations is becoming a massive headache. between rising costs of Healthcare, Disability costs, unemployment costs, then you gotta wonder if the employee is a fucking idiot.

GE which is a multi Billion dollar corporation.
All they need now is a mangement group of individuals in a room to set the path of the company. Then outsource the majority of their Manufacturing & Adminstration to China & India.
The American Working Class are getting destroyed at this point.

So yes Liberty Mutual was probably not joking. But it won't matter in the future....because this is the path our politicans have us heading on. Continuing Bailouts & Tax incentives for these companies all they do is enslave the public to more corporatism. Bailing out failed companies is like when you have that LOSER in the family that just doesn't get it but his family bails him out everytime. It just always ends very badly for the loser because he never learns.

We need to adapt to the current environment or vote out the political trash who have put us in this situation.

I would rather live under a box than give a billion dollar insurance company my taxes. But that is me.
If you equate a property tax abatement designed to entice new building construction and bringing in hundreds of high paying jobs for the next 20 plus years with slavery you have a seriously distorted view of reality.

With all the GOVT Regulations.. I'm not sure if any business besides the Service sector will be able to survive in the United States in the future.

The costs of employing the American working class for these corporations is becoming a massive headache. between rising costs of Healthcare, Disability costs, unemployment costs, then you gotta wonder if the employee is a fucking idiot.

GE which is a multi Billion dollar corporation.
All they need now is a mangement group of individuals in a room to set the path of the company. Then outsource the majority of their Manufacturing & Adminstration to China & India.
The American Working Class are getting destroyed at this point.

So yes Liberty Mutual was probably not joking. But it won't matter in the future....because this is the path our politicans have us heading on. Continuing Bailouts & Tax incentives for these companies all they do is enslave the public to more corporatism. Bailing out failed companies is like when you have that LOSER in the family that just doesn't get it but his family bails him out everytime. It just always ends very badly for the loser because he never learns.

We need to adapt to the current environment or vote out the political trash who have put us in this situation.

I would rather live under a box than give a billion dollar insurance company my taxes. But that is me.

Your post is a jumble of conflicting words.

First you criticize about the Government regulation. Then you criticize how companies are outsourcing to India and China. First of all, the lack of government regulation sent the US's economy down in 2007. Second of all, if you're going to criticize companies for outsourcing, then you're criticizing free capitalism i.e. a deregulated economy.

In other word, in one paragraph, you are complaining that the Government is regulating too much. On the other, you are saying the companies are not regulated enough. What do you want? A deregulated economy where firms hire US over foreign workers? If so, then it is funny how you talking about enslavement because in order to compete against overseas workers and get deregulation, you have to ban unions. You have to take away minimum wage and health insurance requirements.

In layman's term, you have to literally be a slave if you want that vision.

Oh, and please don't criticize bailouts. You want a deregulated economy, you'll get banks who will take no responsibility and lend out everything. And if you worried about the American Working Class, you can thank the bailout for saving millions of working class jobs.

Sheesh, from that post, I couldn't tell if one person wrote it, or if two people are arguing with each other.
Kentxie.....pushed my reply down to Taxes & Govt since our conservation was getting really out of whack.
Rifleman mad, Rifleman smash all architectural happenings in Boston. Rifleman not politician nor city planner.
What the fuck is going on in this thread?

DTX was really hoppin' this afternoon. Bustling with energy and a great crafts fair on Summer in front of Filenes.

Also, I was gonna renew my parents' CharlieCards that had expired for them, but the wait at the new CharlieCard store was 45m to an hour. It looked like a fckin hospital ER. They have a ticket/number system like the RMV!
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One last off topic comment:
Companies view outsourcing as a viable option BECAUSE the cost of doing business in the US, due largely to factors that include: ridiculous unions, and burdensome taxes and insurance regulations is, by comparison, simply not a financially-wise decision.
Back on topic:
Yes, having passed through DTX this afternoon on my way from State to South Station, it was bustling--the beautiful weather surely was a big factor in this :)!
This thread is a good example, I think, of why many wise and reasonable contributors to this forum no longer check in. Would the teenagers please go to their respective rooms.
Temporary signage is up for a Five Guys restaurant moving next to Uno Duo Go in DTX.
DTX was really hoppin' this afternoon. Bustling with energy and a great crafts fair on Summer in front of Filenes.

Also, I was gonna renew my parents' CharlieCards that had expired for them, but the wait at the new CharlieCard store was 45m to an hour. It looked like a fckin hospital ER. They have a ticket/number system like the RMV!

Well, I have a CharlieCard that won't expire until 2019, at least in theory.

In the event it somehow expires sooner, do I now have to go to the Charlie Store or am I still able to bum a card off of my friendly neighborhood T agent in South Station?
Well, I have a CharlieCard that won't expire until 2019, at least in theory.

In the event it somehow expires sooner, do I now have to go to the Charlie Store or am I still able to bum a card off of my friendly neighborhood T agent in South Station?

The first edition CharlieCards had a 5 year lifespan.

They can transfer values that might be trapped on the locked card at the CharlieCard store. You can still of course get an empty CharlieCard from any T agent in the system.

To relate this back to DTX - the CharlieCard Store is located in the Shopping Concourse next to the old MBTA customer service desk for anyone who doesn't know.
The first edition CharlieCards had a 5 year lifespan.

They can transfer values that might be trapped on the locked card at the CharlieCard store. You can still of course get an empty CharlieCard from any T agent in the system.

Oh, so all the first edition cards are going to be expiring before the year's out?

That might explain the backlog. - [strike]Sept 14, 2012[/strike] June 13, 2012
Downtown Crossing businesses cheer new Filene’s plan
By Gail Waterhouse, Globe Correspondent

Merchants and businesses in Boston’s Downtown Crossing are feeling optimistic about the redevelopment of the shopping district now that the Filene’s project appears to be back on track with a 600-foot skyscraper.

A forum at Suffolk University met Wednesday to discuss the future of Downtown Crossing, just two days after Millennium Partners revealed detailed plans for the redeveloping the Filene’s block at One Franklin Street that will include some 500 residences and significant retail space in a complex that includes a slender glass tower 55 stories high.

Legal Sea Foods president Roger Berkowitz said the addition of a large bloc of housing will greatly enhance activity throughout the district.

“Now you start to bring in residential which gives it more of the 24/7 scenario. It’s not 6 o'clock and everyone is leaving. So now that we have a residential mix, it’s much more exciting,” said Berkowitz, a member of panel that presented at the forum, which was co-sponsored by the Greater Boston Real Estate Board.

The featured speaker was prominent Boston architect Howard Elkus, who said the community now needs what other development is necessary to make Downtown Crossing a thriving district.

“At this moment of unprecedented return to city living, what is the vision, what is the big idea for the historic heart of Boston?” asked Elkus, principal at Elkus Manfredi Architects.

His own answers include a supermarket, more retail spaces, as well as more utilitarian shops like dry cleaners and cobblers.

Berkowitz also said that one of the biggest hurdles keeping people away from the area in the evening is the perception of Downtown Crossing as a dangerous area, an idea panelists admitted has been hard to change despite the fact that city statistics show crime there is relatively low.

Gail Waterhouse can be reached at
Edited to correct header date.
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Huh, look at that. You are right. I forgot that reposts old articles when they the subject matter comes up again. Apologies.
