Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

Are you crazy shopping at Sears. Those Items are pre-used then repackaged as new.

I too bought my entire tropical wardrobe from socks to shirts and pants at Sears (Burlington Mall)

But knowing that laundry service in India is inexpensive I had the stuff laundered about every 4 days

Never heard of the pre-used and repackaged with respect to underwear at Sears -- However, come to think of it -- I do remember something about Bill and Hillary claiming tax deductions for used underwear donated to the Salvation Army or Goodwill
Wait...I meant JcPenny

The Boston-metro area seriously lacks a jcpenney (correct capitalization after their umpteenth rebranding). The closest are Northshore Mall and the Natick Mall. That's it. South Shore Plaza and the Burlington Mall are copies of each other's lineup and lack a jcpenney as an anchor. It's strange how the area lacks such a common anchor store in MA (more locations include Silver City Galleria, Dartmouth Mall, Emerald Square, etc) This is an extreme inconvenience to Boston residents. I had to drive all the way to Northshore to pick up my curtains last year.

I wonder if they have considered DTX. Their Manhattan store in the strange Manhattan Mall does really well as a basement store.
Downtown girds for 'Occupy Boston' protest, traffic jam

Anti-Wall Street demonstrators are set to pass through crowded Downtown Crossing on their way to the Financial District for a rush-hour protest, Friday.
....City of Boston officials and some Financial District landlords are bracing for protests planned for this afternoon by anti-corporate and anti-Wall Street activists.

Protestors planned to leave Boston Common sometime around 2 p.m. and eventually converge on the Bank of America .Bank of America Latest from The Business Journals Mortgage borrowers, credit users immune from Bank of America fee JPMorgan, BofA sued over mortgage debt lossesBofA mortgage borrowers, credit users immune from fee Follow this company .(NYSE: BAC) building at 100 Federal St.

"We've developed a deployment plan," Boston Police spokesman Eddy Crispin said.

Mayor Thomas M. Menino's office said in a prepared statement that police will be on hand "to supervise the activity and to secure detour routes for drivers as necessary. City of Boston officials are also working with local businesses to keep them informed throughout the event."

The protestors do not have a permit to march, a spokeswoman for the city Transportation Department said. Nevertheless, a Menino spokesman said protest organizers have been "fairly cooperative" — sharing their planned route with police.

The route, according to the mayor's office, is set to involve Tremont Street and Avery Street near Boston Common; Washington Street;Avenue de Lafayette; Chauncey Street; Milk Street and Federal Street.

At least one downtown landlord said it was locking doors along High Street to prevent protestors from entering the lobby of its tower.

"The protestors do not have a permit to march, a spokeswoman for the city Transportation Department said"

Does this scene bear uncanny resemblance to Washington St. in DTC for anyone else?


Kudos to anyone who can guess where it actually is...
I guessed Milan, but I internet sleuthed to find where it actually is (I was wrong). I won't say!
Buenos Aires was closest, but not quite. Off by a country...
Yeah, I would've guessed Montreal. The architecture is such a hodge-podge though, no? It almost looks like a set.

Well-lit, no?
I know where it is!!! (but like Shepard I also cheated)
Wow, no one's gotten it yet. But Tombstoner is closest...
