Eli Lilly IGM | 15 Necco Street | Fort Point


I do still wish the "solar sail" had made the cut, but this tech-industrial style channel frontage appropriately elevates the design standard for the rest of the to-be-developed parking lots and post office.
Super high quality materials on this one. Completing the facade on the lower hanging triangular portion will give this a great sense of movement and symmetry across the top section.
I was a little bit nervous about this one when looking at the renders before it was built, but it looks pretty good. Its a bit out of place now but thats just due to the parking lots next door. The project next door looks to be absolutely amazing quality so should fill out nice. It definitely gives off olso vibes.
Its interesting how the facadectomy aesthetic has become popular in new build developments. At first they would demolish old buildings and replace them with something new, then they would keep the old building and add a new building on top, now they design new buildings to look like theyre built on top of old buildings to help them better blend in to their surroundings. It works out pretty good in my opinion.

Speaking of facadectomies does anyone where this started? The first one I can think of is the hearst building in midtown nyc.
