Fan Pier Developments | Seaport


Lights are on up on the roof. and the green lights look cool too.

You can view a larger pic here.

green lights = exit signs?
When did exit signs in this country go green? This is America, goddammit, not enviro-socialist Yurup.
Why's it only temporary? It looks way better than that "serpent" thing on the steps by the WTC.
oh cool I might have to swing over there tonight see if its lit up.

The Fish also comes equipped with 2,000 LED lights and a 100-watt solar panel, to illuminate it at night.
This is exactly the sort of thing that the Greenway needs...
Yeah, these aren't very good but I'll post them anyway, since the angle is different.


It's not a terrible building but it's not one that should stand out. It needs to fall in with a crowd. Too bad it stands alone. Even if this was right next to the WTC it would work better than it does.
so yes. The Green lights are indeed EXIT Signs.
I stopped by there last night stood on their little viewing platform and saw the green exit signs all over the place. Kinda cool.

And I will post pics later. The fish was cool but moving in the water too much most of my shots were blurry much better to photograph during the day ! !
It's not a terrible building but it's not one that should stand out. It needs to fall in with a crowd. Too bad it stands alone. Even if this was right next to the WTC it would work better than it does.

It won't stand alone for ever... hopefully. I mean, at least the plan is to have it surrounded by other buildings. I know it's fashionable to criticizing everything nowadays, but the fact of the matter is, the idea of background filler surrounding one "Monument" is hardly crazy. And hey, look over there! It's the ICA, our "Monument" for the area. I'm more than willing to let this one be.
This is the smallest building in the plan, no? It's certainly not meant to stand out. It is more acceptable if we consider it a small piece of an unfinished whole, and even as such, it's better than a parking lot!

Edit: Love the fish. Can we keep it?
The lighting makes it attractive - it's not just the skilled photographer.
This is the smallest building in the plan, no? It's certainly not meant to stand out. It is more acceptable if we consider it a small piece of an unfinished whole, and even as such, it's better than a parking lot!

Edit: Love the fish. Can we keep it?

It is not better than a parking lot. A parking lot can be developed at any time, and done right. This building is on the Boston waterfront. How did they let this happen?
The building is fine as an accompaniment to bigger and better things....

Now if this building is surrounded by numerous other squat and stubby is going to be one hell of an ugly scene...

Put this building next to some slender height and it will look very nice.
The building is fine as an accompaniment to bigger and better things....

Now if this building is surrounded by numerous other squat and stubby is going to be one hell of an ugly scene...

Put this building next to some slender height and it will look very nice.

I agree the Box Building will do when other development is welcomed. But this is a major development parcel so instead of being cheap they might want to broaden their horizons for the next development pieces or this area will look like BOX building central.
Think about it. All the other buildings will have a spectacular view...of this box.
