Fan Pier Developments | Seaport

Vertex may not be your cup of tea architecturally -- but Vertex hasn't just made the leap from Kendall Sq. -- Vertex has ratified the SPID and specifically Fan Pier in much the same way that Copley Place ratified the Back Bay as more than a home of insurance companies --- but not a competitor to the FID

Really having trouble comparing the Back Bay with SPID.
I'm already looking forward to when they knock down One Marina Park in the future so we can see what real options Boston will have for the future on this prime spot.

I give Fallon 6-Months after the second box is built he will cash out as soon as possible. THATS TRUE REAL VALUE FOR SPID

The way I look at SPID right now is a some cool restaurants on the water with BOX condos, Box buildings, and a parking lot with a terrible transit system for accessibility so hopefully they keep the parking lots.

but not a competitor to the FID

I guess you forgot to consider the State Street tax breaks to build in SPID as the FID continues to hover around 20%.
I'd say anytime a million plus square feet of laboratory/office space is developed. It's significant.

It may not win any design awards from the acrhitectural community, but it's significant. Even if it is pillaging from across the river. It is worth noting that a million square feet in Cambridge in the Kendall area would require even more lan than this behemoth is taking up.

By the way, I know we've had this argument before (people on this thread, not you and me specifically), but "pillaging from across the river" is a terrible way to put this. Cambridge is an incubator. Businesses grow there and then move to enliven and legitimize other areas when they mature. Vertex had grown as much as it could in the small spaces it could get in Cambridge, and its move will be a huge positive for the SPID while freeing up space for the next round of start-ups.

Cities that let their business mature and take over their most innovative areas invariably pay for that when they mature, grow old, and stop innovating. Any gardener will tell you that a key to cultivation is transplanting to keep mature growth from suffocating the garden. What has happened with Vertex is not only healthy for the region, it's critical for the continued success of Cambridge.
SPID...FID......can we call them seaport and downtown like normal people? (assuming FID is downtown, I'm not really sure and definitely don't care)
The Louis pavilion is growing on me. Anyone else? At least it's unique. I wouldn't mind seeing it stay if the alternative is another Fan Puke. Then we can bring back a permanent Zuma City in place of the grassy knoll adjacent to it.

I really wish Puma City could have stayed there. I loved that project. I'm so glad that I got to go to the architect's reception and hear the panel speak about it. The project really helped in making Fan Pier a destination for the time it was up. It also deals with experimental architecture and would have been relatively close to the new BSA HQ.
By the way, I know we've had this argument before (people on this thread, not you and me specifically), but "pillaging from across the river" is a terrible way to put this. Cambridge is an incubator. Businesses grow there and then move to enliven and legitimize other areas when they mature. Vertex had grown as much as it could in the small spaces it could get in Cambridge, and its move will be a huge positive for the SPID while freeing up space for the next round of start-ups.

Cities that let their business mature and take over their most innovative areas invariably pay for that when they mature, grow old, and stop innovating. Any gardener will tell you that a key to cultivation is transplanting to keep mature growth from suffocating the garden. What has happened with Vertex is not only healthy for the region, it's critical for the continued success of Cambridge.
That was sort of the point to the follow up statement about how Vertex needed more space than would most likely be available in Kendall.
Cambridge is their childhood home, and then they leave the nest and break out on their own. This time they broke out to Boston instead of Silicon Valley, so win?
That was sort of the point to the follow up statement about how Vertex needed more space than would most likely be available in Kendall.
Cambridge is their childhood home, and then they leave the nest and break out on their own. This time they broke out to Boston instead of Silicon Valley, so win?

Seamus -- nothing is permanent except change

Remember when everyone thought that it was inevitable that Biogen would move out of Kendall -- well after a suburban sojourn -- like the Terminator -- There're Baaaack

Same ultimately could happen to Vertex -- but I think they will stay in the SPID at Fan Pier for at least a decade -- and by then nothing is certain -- another big slow down, could be bought by Big Pharma, tsunami, meteoroid
This is more than a bit of a thread drift, but Roche is closing its Nutley NJ facility. In the announcement today was this:

Darien Wilson, a spokeswoman at Nutley, known as Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., said staff will be told in mid-August whether they will lose their jobs or can transfer to a new research center Roche is planning for somewhere on the East Coast. That site, which will employ about 240 people, will support patient testing of experimental drugs and coordinate with the Food and Drug Administration and university research partners. Roche hopes to identify a location by September.

Just an uninformed opinion, I think if they intended to move to Greater New York or Greater Philadelphia they would have stayed in Nutley.
Wouldn't cheer this news too much, even it leads to Roche moving some rump of jobs to the Boston area.

The fuller version of the article says that Roche is cutting the 1,000 remaining jobs at Nutley, which employed 5,000 just a few years ago and 10,000 10 years ago.

Of that 1,000, some fraction will be moved to Germany and Switzerland (Roche is "refocusing R&D activities in Switzerland and Germany"), and 240 will remain in the US. So it's a net loss of 750+ jobs. :(
itchy, true enough with respect to Nutley. But Roche still has 20,000 Genentech employees on the West Coast, and Genentech, to my knowledge, has no East Coast operations. so this may be a case of two birds with one stone.

Given the Roche announcement about the location being related to partnerships, the clue to where? may be found in this annual report from Roche.

Scroll down to first paragraph below the pie chart.
I was saaddened by this news as I have been working on projects at the Nutley campus for the last 4 years, and as a company we have worked down there for almost 30. Seeing anyone lose their jobs, never mind a 1,000 people is disheartening.

The article mentions these jobs will be replaced by 85 people overseas with no drop in production. WTF?

Yes a new building here would be good locally for the 240 person transition center, but overall it sucks, and thast campus in Nutley is huge. It's already pretty empty, but it will be a large ghost town in the middle of 2 towns.

We just helped them renovate to relocate operations from CA, which I saw as a good thing, relocating to the East Coast. Guess I was wrong.
Architectually-wise? No. Transplanting a tech company from Cambridge? No.

Kent -- How about transplanting a tech company from the FID to the SPID -- is that Significant?

from today's on-line Herald Business website
EnerNOC moving to Fan Pier
By Donna Goodison
Friday, July 6, 2012 - Added 2 minutes ago

Energy management firm EnerNOC Inc. will move its Boston headquarters to Fan Pier in the South Boston Innovation District.

The company, which will relocate from 75-101 Federal St., signed a lease yesterday to take over approximately 82,000 square feet of office space on the fourth through sixth floors of One Marina Park Drive, according to a document filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

EnerNOC plans to move into the new space on or about May 1, 2013, but won’t start paying rent until Aug. 1, 2013, to building owner Fallon Cornerstone One MPD LLC, according to the regulatory filing. The lease technically runs from July 5, 2012, through July 31, 2020, with the option of a five-year extension.
I'm already looking forward to when they knock down One Marina Park in the future so we can see what real options Boston will have for the future on this prime spot.

I give Fallon 6-Months after the second box is built he will cash out as soon as possible. THATS TRUE REAL VALUE FOR SPID

The way I look at SPID right now is a some cool restaurants on the water with BOX condos, Box buildings, and a parking lot with a terrible transit system for accessibility so hopefully they keep the parking lots.

I guess you forgot to consider the State Street tax breaks to build in SPID as the FID continues to hover around 20%.

Riff -- I think you might aak EnerNoc before you Knock down Marina Park Dr. -- seems they plan to be there for about 10 years
Whigh, Like you said Time will tell how the area will turn out.

All I'm saying is Missed Opportunity compared to Mediocre.

I'm actually believing I might be wrong about Rosies Glorified Median Strip Greenway.
I think it will be a matter of 5-10 years away and the Greeway will be the HOT SPOT. (thats including if the Harbor Garage development is built) Hopefully something of real substance.
pic taken by tkolos on flickr:

^^^I love that picture! If you go to page 4 of that guy's photostream, he has 3 of the most amazing night pics of Back Bay I have ever seen. If you read this, LOOK AT THEM NOW!!!!!
For many reasons, that picture just reminded me why this is my favorite city in the world.

The only thing that I do not understand is this, why aren't the developers trying to squeeze in every inch they can to make their skyscraper more noteworthy? You would think that they would want to have everyone be like look so and so designed that one. Not building these squatty boxes that look like Godzillas stepstool to destroying Boston.
The only thing that I do not understand is this, why aren't the developers trying to squeeze in every inch they can to make their skyscraper more noteworthy?

Because when your not using your personal money its all about how fast can you get the project done and move onto the next one. Fast buck Freddies. Pump & Dump Developments off the backs of the taxpayers.
