Fenway Center (One Kenmore) | Turnpike Parcel 7, Beacon Street | Fenway

Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

That picture in the Globe made my eyes hurt - fuzzy all around, fake light reflection and then the buildings in question in focus. I remember this project having much bigger buildings as part of the first phase? Am I wrong, or has everything been scaled back?
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

If by "eliminated" you mean "part of Phase 2".

But yeah, who knows if it's likely to actually happen.

I believe the technical term for that is "purgatory"...
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Considering the lease payment is for the whole parcel, I figure they'll build it eventually. The garage and brookline ave residence will both span the pike as well.

$10 the garage gets built, and then nothing else for 35 years
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Not that this is news, but I saw Mr. Rosenthal today, walking by the common with an armful of presentation boards for the project. I thought about stopping him, but I was already late for work. At least things appear to be moving, in some sense.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

The way this project is going, I would be happy if they manage to deck over the pike and put a park on it.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

For Fenway Center (the undeveloped site today above), doubters abounded because of its cost, engineering, and political challenges, John says. It requires an extra 18 months to build the 70k SF Phase One deck over the Pike, which entails complicated engineering, access to the highway, and a project large enough to cover the additional expense. Some lenders view the 99-year lease Meredith is executing with the state as less valuable than fee-owned land. But Toronto-based Bentall Kennedy will be John's capital partner, providing all of the remaining equity from the union pension funds it manages. For John, that the project is smart-growth transit oriented, uses solar power, and will be built with union labor is "the cherry on top."

Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Seems to be back on...

Fenway project approval once again expected

By Eric Moskowitz | GLOBE STAFF MAY 24, 2013

A state transportation board member who interrupted a presentation Wednesday with a call to postpone a vote on a $500 million megadevelopment said in an inter*view Thursday that she is now ready to approve an agreement allowing Fenway Center construction to begin.

The startling postponement, which temporarily cast doubts on the future of the landmark project over the Massachusetts Turnpike, apparently resulted from miscommunication — documents that existed but went unread or unshared — between Patrick administration staff and some members of the volunteer board charged with overseeing the state’s sprawling, complex transportation system.


Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I know you need change but I actually miss the old Kenmore Square.

The one development that should have been scrapped was the Monstrosity of Hotel Commonwealth. Everytime I drive by it I cringe.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I know you need change but I actually miss the old Kenmore Square.

The one development that should have been scrapped was the Monstrosity of Hotel Commonwealth. Everytime I drive by it I cringe.

Kenmore was such interesting people watching before BU came in with that godawful hotel and sanitized the place. Gritty Central-squarish authentic vitality that's now gone forever.

Granted, I wasn't around for its true salad days. Moved to Boston 1-1/2 years before The Rat closed and Planet Records burned down. I can at least say I've attended shows at The Rat, even if the experience as a college freshman scared the bejeezus out of me. Miss the IHOP and the 3 A.M. crowds. Even miss Super Socks, which was some of the more interesting dollar-store shopping in town. It's so dead at night now, whereas there used to be stuff going on 24/7.

Infuriates me that the powers that be have the gall to call this redevelopment a "success" simply because it displaced a bunch of homeless (see BU's decades-long war on Mr. Butch) and low-income and made the students have to go to Newbury and Landsdowne to loiter as if it was somebody's responsibility to play hall monitor for the Square. It doesn't matter how squeaky-clean or self-satisfyingly gentrified it looks. Kenmore, warts and all, worked before because it had people in it doing stuff 24/7 and it drew people at all hours because of that. Once the makeover kills all the activity in the area outside of sanctioned hours it's gone forever and not coming back, and the area loses all its cachet. Look at the tenant turnover in all the faceless chain bars and storefronts, including adjacent Landsdowne. That's what happens when you wreck a neighborhood's 'brand loyalty'.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

There's the Lower Depths. Basically the main reason I go to Kenmore, ever.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Comicopia and Nuggets are still holding on from the good old days. And hey, it's not all bad. Burrito Grande is infinitely better than Burrito Max was!
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

So that article exposes that Janice Loux "veteran labor leader" held all this up because she didn't do her homework. The documents were completely available to her and the board prior to the meeting - - she simply never read them.

Really? Does society truly need people in positions of power who cannot do their homework?

Perhaps her last name is mispelled.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Look I have a fucking incompement admin HR wont' let me fire right now. You never know what happened. The article actually said: "The startling postponement,...apparently resulted from miscommunication — documents that existed but went unread or unshared — between Patrick administration staff and some members of the volunteer board charged with overseeing the state’s sprawling, complex transportation system."
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Look I have a fucking incompement admin HR wont' let me fire right now. You never know what happened. The article actually said: "The startling postponement,...apparently resulted from miscommunication — documents that existed but went unread or unshared — between Patrick administration staff and some members of the volunteer board charged with overseeing the state’s sprawling, complex transportation system."

That's the Globe editor's smoothing over.

Further on in the article is the unavoidable fact (caps mine);

"......But Loux, not a member of that finance committee, INTERRUPTED the Transportation Department’s chief financial officer during his introduction on the project.

“Why do you say that, so sure of yourself?” asked Loux, a veteran labor leader, putting finance chief Dana Levenson on the spot after he claimed the lease payments would easily cover expected long-term maintenance costs for the support deck over the Pike once Fenway Center is finished.

“I actually address that very point in my next sentence,” Levenson said, according to a recording of the meeting. His script and a five-page summary SENT TO BOARD MEMBERS IN ADVANCE indicated that Jacobs Engineering calculated maintenance costs for the deck at $145 million for the next century, leaving a cushion of more than $80 million for unforeseen repairs, not to mention the millions in state and city real *estate, income, sales, and other taxes expected to be generated at the new complex.

The state also hired law firm McCarter & English and a real estate consultant, Lincoln Properties. Their full reports, and the summary, WERE AVAILABLE TO BOARD MEMBERS BEFORE THE MEETING UPON RQUEST, a department spokeswoman said.

Loux, WHO HAD NOT YET READ those documents, was unsatisfied. “I really think that there are a lot of unanswered questions, and I think that we ought to have a second set of eyes review the details,” she said, seeking a motion to table the vote."

No Ms. Loux, you don't interrupt someone in the middle of their presentation one sentence before they give you the answer to your question, then stumble about how you want to review details (from both a report and a summary script of what the representative was reading in real time) that have already been made available to you but you never read. Obviously, she was handed her head by the someone in the Patrick administration for being a complete idiot and she looked for the most graceful way out the next morning.
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Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

It would be nice if we citizens of Massachusetts could see the actual terms of our 99 year lease. Then we wouldn't have to speculate as to what the hell is going on from half-assed written newspaper articles.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

^I'm sure you can see the lease if you file a FOIA request.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I always get yelled at here for saying this stuff, but Kenmore was downright dangerous for many years. We are probably better off with the new, "corporate" Kenmore. That said, I desperately miss Deli Haus - punk music + breakfast at 2am after leaving the bar... priceless.

Kenmore was such interesting people watching before BU came in with that godawful hotel and sanitized the place. Gritty Central-squarish authentic vitality that's now gone forever.

Granted, I wasn't around for its true salad days. Moved to Boston 1-1/2 years before The Rat closed and Planet Records burned down. I can at least say I've attended shows at The Rat, even if the experience as a college freshman scared the bejeezus out of me. Miss the IHOP and the 3 A.M. crowds. Even miss Super Socks, which was some of the more interesting dollar-store shopping in town. It's so dead at night now, whereas there used to be stuff going on 24/7.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

But is the reduction in crime due to the "sanitization" of Kenmore, or is it just part of the city-wide, region-wide, and heck, nation-wide trend?
