Fenway Infill and Small Developments

^^ Awesome. i've been in W. Hollywood the past 3 weeks. Nice to see spring in Boston!
Fantastic!!! Does anyone know if this design is close to the original Olmstead plan or something new?
Fantastic!!! Does anyone know if this design is close to the original Olmstead plan or something new?

Van -- its loosely based on Olmstead's original plan for the "Muddy River Improvements" -- given that the surroundings when from basically Semi-rural / Suburban to Urban in the past century

In particular the hydrology is completely different as there are major interceptors of the surface run-off that collect it from the streets and carry it ultimately out to Boston Harbor -- where as in Olmstead's day the street run-off drained into the Muddy River and several tributaries

And of course the impact of automotive traffic [e.g. Rt-9] and local heavy traffic from the Fenway Medical Complex on the original Recreational Parkways

So what has been "Restored" is the evolved Olmstead Plan with later changes particularly in traffic flow of the period just before Sears took over that land for Parking circa 1958

the ALA Guide
1958-1959 The City sells the first link of the Muddy River Improvement to Sears Roebuck for use as a parking lot.
The actual site of the Sears parking lot was a lovely lagoon crossed by a handsome stone bridge, which carried the parkway to Park Drive in the Fens. Both bridge and lagoon were buried.

as the Report of the Boston Landmarks Commission on the state of the Emerald Necklace circa 1988
https://www.cityofboston.gov/images_documents/142 Emerald Necklace Parks_tcm3-39660.pdf

The Riverway is divided into four segments, each with its own distinct characteristics. The northernmost segment, currently Sears parking lot, was intended as a transitional zone between the Riverway and the Fens, a function it no longer serves.
It is north of the Fens/Victory Garden funny thing about shadows is they don't extend southwards in the northern hemisphere.

Even in the evening? Serious question--I would have thought they would but maybe I am overlooking something obvious.
Very nice, an excellent example of contextualism with integrity. Which is to say it asserts its own personality rather than mimic its neighbors.

Yup. This really balances lots of design issues nicely. Good job.

^ Generally, the sun hangs out over the equator, so shadows fall to the north in the Northern Hemisphere and to the south in the Southern Hemisphere.

However, the Earth's axis is tilted, so the sun actually hangs out a bit over the equator in March - September (our spring and summer) and below the equator in September - March (our fall and winter).

Thus, while shadows usually fall to the north in the Northern Hemisphere, they do extend to the south a little bit just after sunrise and just before sunset between March 20 and September 20. The closer you are to sunrise or sunset and the closer you are to the summer solstice (June 20), the further shadows extend south and the longer they stay south. In Boston on the summer solstice, for example, we'll have southern shadows before 8:40 am and after 5:00 pm, and right at sunrise and sunset they will aim south by about 32 degrees.

Check out www.suncalc.org to see this illustrated.
Even in the evening? Serious question--I would have thought they would but maybe I am overlooking something obvious.

Tombstoner -- Try this experiment:

1 stick -- a 12 ruler works quite well
one open area without significant shade from trees, buildings ete.
1 magnetic compass if desired

Experimantal Procedure:
  • Place the stick in the ground relatively vertically
  • starting in the morning observe and if so desired record the shadow digitally
  • continue observing occasionally during the entire day until evening or it gets too dark to see the stick

Note: We are not quite at the Summer Solstice -- its still 6 weeks away -- so these observations are only preliminary -- the sun will get a bit higher in the sky

If you see a shadow pointing South -- someone has snuck-up on you with either a mirror or a flashlight

If you must cheat -- here's a clue
if it wasn't for the Fenway sign on the right and the high school my son went to on the left I would have no clue this is Boston
Im really excited for the pierce. More so than many of the buildings going up. Renders only show you so much, its always cool to see what new angles a tower can be seen from once its complete. I feel like its going to push the skyline west pretty substantially and when it comes into the middle of your view in Longwood its going to be incredible.
if it wasn't for the Fenway sign on the right and the high school my son went to on the left I would have no clue this is Boston

Yeah, well what about the white Pinto making a U-ie in the middle of the street, huh, huh?????
Yeah, well what about the white Pinto making a U-ie in the middle of the street, huh, huh?????
Well seeing that I've been driving in Boston for a living for 32 yrs now I wdnt have even notice that, too common in Boston lol!
