Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay

After this and CST, we just need about 3 more towers in Back Bay going over 700.

Then it will be extremely good.

In any case, this is a start.
I think the green line will need to improve to support all of this Back Bay/Fenway development. The green line is already way over capacity during rush hour. Development is great but infrastructure is needed to support it. If only our politicians could get their heads out of their asses and actually invest in the T.

I apologize for getting off topic but there are plenty of places to expand. It's just Bostons infrastructure needs improvement.
You forgot about the Orange Line, which is far more efficient and capable than the GL, with stops at Back Bay Station & Mass Ave.
You forgot about the Orange Line, which is far more efficient and capable than the GL, with stops at Back Bay Station & Mass Ave.

Good point. OL is getting a major upgrade with the new fleet of cars.

I'll also add that adding residences to predominantly commercial zones likely takes as many people off of transit as it adds. Some people formerly commuting to the Back Bay are the people moving into the new residences built there.
If Boston is going to keep developing at the existing pace, the state needs to majorly reinvest in the T and other infrastructure or the city will choke.
The pooper neighborhoods I would like see get some transit instead of just the glx and then the silver line to the seaport/DMUs. No reason why the orange line cant keep going south and the mattapan trolly either stays light rail and connects to the green heath, or heavy rail it and connect it into the ashmont red. Then blue line to Lynn and the most obvious expansion of all time the blue to red NEEDS to happen. Not just because either, the blue line needs access to the hospitals that the rest of the city has the luxury of getting to. Everything under planning so far is to the well to be sections, while we hear complains about housing costs, but no line expansions to the affordable neighborhoods are on the table. Boston got ranked one of the most racially segregated cities in the country, not racist, but different groups are segregated to different areas. Give Mattapan, Roxbury, access to downtown and you will see more integration.
Lol now that i see it yea. * poorer. My phone is crazy hard to type on for some reason.
I would have rather gotten the height where we need it downtown, but that is like pulling teeth so Ill just accept that were getting it here. Hopefully that made sense.
I agree with everything you said. But height downtown is restricted by the airport, and while this is somewhat misaligned with the current skyline, it will work better once parcels 14,15, and 16 (or whatever they are called), along the Pike are filled in.
This will look great once Copley tower is built too...think that will provide the balance we have now
I wonder if the pierce will be tall enough to provide any balance by stepping down to the west
I really hope when its done that its tall enough to really bring the high spine west.

I also have a version that includes 40 trinity and also shows how the pike parcels will bring back the taper away effect from this tower, which will restore the balance to the skyline.

Kind of... it is showing 1 Dalton in the context of u/c and future developments. Thats all thats being posted though I was just showing it with 40 trinity since someone had mentioned it.
I know someone already mentioned this on the MT thread, but I thought that it might be of interest on here since folks on this thread have oft complained about how long it has taken to build 1 Dalton's deep-piles-to-bedrock foundation. I think in the end we will be thankful for doing the job right!:

Luxurious new San Francisco high-rise is sinking, tilting
The transit authority alleges that the building's fate was sealed when its builders decided to support the structure on a foundation consisting "only of a concrete slab supported by short piles that fail to reach the bedrock below."
