Future Skyline

no.... the color of the tower is just what i went with to increase public awareness and offer a general idea about what a single tower on a large open-space site plan would probably look like.

As far as your render, to give you some perspective, you can fit 3 1/2 Harbor Towers (front wall) on the HG frontage. ....50% site coverage would theoretically allow a wide frontage with a good part of the open space between the tower and waterfront.

But i haven't looked at the what the new MHP allows for.
Either way the aquarium garage thread needs to be reopened, a bunch of shit moved over into it, and then I really hope we get some real renders soon to see how this is going to play with the rest of the kids in the neighborhood. If either of the ones we made or the bra ones showing the 650' single tower are any indication I think its going to play nice.
If either of the ones we made or the bra ones showing the 650' single tower are any indication I think its going to play nice.

?? whahhtt??

The BRA has a render? All i saw in the Harbor Plan pnf is a generic box,

but nothing you would exactly call a render.

...showing the 650' single tower....

it's funny that you say 650'. i had spoken with Brian Golden last spring, and he said they were going for 50% site coverage as to be the big selling point going forward. Makes sense, because it's a city for Christ's sakes. We should be able to build something. And then there's the part about the Building Dept possessing the legal authority to permit developers to build stuff.

When i was working on a viable solution for offices at the base of the tower with residential above. i kept returning back to, 'to get to 900,000 sq ft, and about 20 floors of offices, you really need to go 6 or 7 floors higher than 600' will allow. If they could just do a 670' tower, they can give everyone everything.

Unfortunately, that creates a new problem. Long Wharf. The FAA map is about 600'. But 600' at the extreme south side of the tower is about all you can do without casting significant shadow on Long Wharf.

They built the Airport 1/2~1 mile too close. Shoulda bulldozed Winthrop and filled in the bay in there.
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Meant Chifaro not BRA but they're in post 432. Just massing models.
Either way the aquarium garage thread needs to be reopened, a bunch of shit moved over into it, and then I really hope we get some real renders soon to see how this is going to play with the rest of the kids in the neighborhood. If either of the ones we made or the bra ones showing the 650' single tower are any indication I think its going to play nice.

Yes, the Aquarium Garage thread needs to be reopened.

The Globe is reporting that CLF are now trying to stop all waterfront development until their lawsuit against the State is settled over MHP's

i like a good conspiracy theory;

that they're timing things to get the last 4~5 towers (including 2 Charlesgate W) 'legal' before people wake to realize 10 more big towers are about to go up.

The photo above ^; filling in the "high spine" between Back Bay and the Financial District.
^Stick, what's the proposed building visually just to the left of the Hancock in your photo
Winthrop Square.

with just what's proposed + permitted, Stick's render gives just the hint at how much our long, sparse skyline gets even longer but fills in really well.

very unique, (on this continent anyway), excepting for maybe Atlanta and LA, with their soon-to-be filling-in, elongated skylines.
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ah ok...just seemed a little too far west (toward the viewer), but I can see it now.
Downburst - all I can say is, Wow...a ton of great work. Thank you for this.
Can you show some ground level shots from popular spots or places where people are going to see these from a lot. Like the pike coming towards the pru, south on 93 from the zakim, boylston ground level..etc. Thanks.
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing. In future additions will you be including East Boston?
thank you so much for these awesome renders.

does anyone know where i can find the full Dot Ave plan?
