General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Thanks for posting this, interesting stuff. Am I reading it correctly that they aren't looking into TSP for the C branch yet? (only B and E?) I wonder if this is due to the majority of the C branch being in Brookline.

Ironically enough, Brookline has Beacon Street all ready to go for signal priority on the C. It's the T that's refusing to play along...
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Thanks. The overtime explanation, sadly, seems like it could very well be true.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Thanks. The overtime explanation, sadly, seems like it could very well be true.

I think we should promote a grass-routes rebellion over this. They should be asked about TSP on the C-Branch at every public DOT/MBTA hearing whether its germane or not. Somewhere between bottom-up and top down (I can't believe the Gov or Sec Davey would be able to resist long) its gotta happen--and can't be let to not happen
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

I think we should promote a grass-routes rebellion over this. They should be asked about TSP on the C-Branch at every public DOT/MBTA hearing whether its germane or not. Somewhere between bottom-up and top down (I can't believe the Gov or Sec Davey would be able to resist long) its gotta happen--and can't be let to not happen

Town of Brookline pretty much has been doing just that for over 3 years now. The T just flat-out refuses to meet with them.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Town of Brookline pretty much has been doing just that for over 3 years now. The T just flat-out refuses to meet with them.

I had heard about this before, but back then it seemed like the T just refused to consider TSP for any branch. Has something changed about their attitude towards Boston but not Brookline's government?
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Town of Brookline pretty much has been doing just that for over 3 years now. The T just flat-out refuses to meet with them.
Its time for every transit advocate and every good-government advocate, and every believer in budget-efficient government to rise up no matter where they live. This should unite Left (Brookline) and Right (basically, everyplace is Right compared to Brookline ;-)
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

We need to start flipping over the trains until they answer the question.

That and the D-street traffic light.

One train flip a day.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Some days I feel the same about the T:




Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

How is a state that's in as bad of financial health as CA able to expand their mass transit so much?

It will be interesting to see if the overall attitude towards mass transit changes in Southern California. When I lived out there almost everyone I knew would not be caught dead riding the bus or the subway.

A lot of people have made the transition from "mass transit is for losers," to "mass transit is great but doesn't work for me." that is huge progress in terms of mind set. As L.A. Becomes more crisscrossed with new rail lines, followed by TOD, a lot of people will transition to "I'm moving to a transit friendly neighborhood."
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Latest excuse:

The MBTA remains in constant contact with the Town of Brookline regarding this issue. At this time, the Town of Brookline would like to conduct their own traffic signal study to assess the benefits or disadvantage such a program may create. In addition, we currently do not have a way to merge our current system with the Town’s. Therefore, further collaboration is necessary to make this program feasible. With the implementation of Green Line Tracking this collaboration will become possible.

I guess they really want to hold off until tracking is implemented late 2015 or 2016.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Latest excuse:

I guess they really want to hold off until tracking is implemented late 2015 or 2016.

That's really weak sauce. Dispatch today works the radio nonstop with trolley operators on the surface to get a read on their position and whether they're arriving in the subway on-schedule so they can make decisions on who gets first priority when something's late. It would simplify the air traffic controller-like complexity of all that radio squawking and pen/pad position scribbling significantly to have signal priority helping those schedules. Tracking + priority is the eventual ideal, but they are in no way coupled to each other because humans are still manually dispatching the whole GL with schedule fudge factor.

This is just a punt, pure and simple. And setting themselves up for a further punt when they say in 3 years they can't afford the expense or labor of implementing both at once.

Seriously...go after them guns-blazing at meetings and press them for a better answer than that. Implementation schedules and whatnot. This is the same avoidance crap they've been pulling for years, with different-worded excuse.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

A lot of people have made the transition from "mass transit is for losers," to "mass transit is great but doesn't work for me." that is huge progress in terms of mind set. As L.A. Becomes more crisscrossed with new rail lines, followed by TOD, a lot of people will transition to "I'm moving to a transit friendly neighborhood."

When I visited LA 5 years ago, my friends out there were actually horrified that I spent the first few days taking the train around (I was only renting a car for half the trip). It was actually relatively nice; much newer stock than most of the MBTA, and for the amount of area it was covering, I was very impressed with how well it ran (the area covered is about as big as our commuter rail).
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

I wish I had better contacts in Brookline, I really don't know why they're asking for a "study" all of a sudden now.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

So... how 'bout that commuter rail? The new coaches are sucking and the new locomotives can't get here soon enough - even if those suck, too.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

So... how 'bout that commuter rail? The new coaches are sucking and the new locomotives can't get here soon enough - even if those suck, too.

OK. I'll bite. What's the problem? I have ridden in a bunch of them and they seem fine. From my butt's point of view they are exactly like the old ones. Do wish that they had installed wi-fi at the factory, tho.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

OK. I'll bite. What's the problem? I have ridden in a bunch of them and they seem fine. From my butt's point of view they are exactly like the old ones. Do wish that they had installed wi-fi at the factory, tho.

The coaches are having normal teething problems. That's not anything to get worried about, because every single coach order in the last 30 years has had similar bugs when they first arrived...and nearly every new-technology coach order any other commuter rail operator has bought has had similar initial issues. You should hear NJTransit riders kvetch about their newfangled bi-levels, or how much their last order of single-levels sucked in the early going...because NJT always buys unproven bleeding-edge. This stuff evens out and are NOT at all predictive that the things will turn out to be lemons. Hyundai-Rotem's problem is that they're new at manufacturing this and seriously underestimated that their plant capacity would be able to juggle the SEPTA EMU order with the T bi-level order with the L.A. Metrolink bi-level order. They choked on it all and ended up so late on the SEPTA and T orders it threatened the 'timeliness' clause in the contract (Metrolink I think went off without a hitch). They're making up for lost time now with about a half-dozen being dropped off at BET every 10 days or so. BET is getting so overstuffed with new deliveries that they're running out of space and have a huge backlog of coaches to test. They're testing them now in 9-car consists (which will never run that long in revenue service because there's no platforms that long) to catch up and get the glut of newbies in service.

Amtrak's also been bitchy about allowing them on the NEC and pulled them a couple times demanding tweaks to the PTC signal boxes. So they've been stymied at getting them in regular rotation on Providence, Stoughton, Franklin, Needham, and Worcester. Nothing big, but...bitchy Amtrak.

The only major flaws they have in the early going is that the brakes are too damn loud and the automatic doors are a little glitchy. The doors will get fixed onsite by Rotem techs, and they'll probably do something to mitigate the brakes. It's not going to be apparent if the overall build quality is solid or if there are little things that are meh-quality for a year or two in revenue service.

As for the non-working ASA, keep in mind that the computer that runs those is driven by the rear cab car. And there's a big mismatch in the numbers of blind (middle) coaches and cab cars in-service right now so half the time you're going to get an old cab coach at the rear and the ASA in the new blind coaches won't say anything except put a static "Welcome to the T" onscreen. The Kawasaki bi-levels that are in rebuild right now are also getting retrofitted to match the Rotem setup, so you're not going to have a full fleet of ASA cab cars for another 1-1/2 years. The T has a separate wi-fi contract with its service provider because that technology gets leased with rolling upgrades every few years (and I think is about to be upgraded to faster bandwidth across the fleet), so Rotem or any car manufacturer has nothing to do with that.

First ugly-ass HSP-46 loco is supposed to arrive onsite next month. Won't's only for static tests at BET where they hook it up to all combos of coaches, test the electronics, putter it around the yard, poke around under the hood in the carhouse, and train the maint staff on them. It won't be seen out and about, although you'll be able to get a good look at on any northside train. Then the factory will make modifications to 2 other units based on these tests, deliver those 2 in Oct./Nov. (depending on how many mods they have to make), and those 2 will start real non-revenue burn-in tests on all lines. The static test unit will either get modded onsite before it starts burn-in, or if the mods are significant will get swapped back to the factory when they deliver the other 2.

Revenue service slated to begin in Dec. with the 2 road-test units. Then it'll go like the coaches are a month or two with just those scarce first units, and then they start arriving fast. And probably with some similar teething problems and Amtrak bitchiness about NEC running that will get people all in a panic that they're going to be lemons. And that too shall pass. Several per month to arrive through 2014 and 2015, probably more than the T is capable of testing and rushing into service all at once. It'll probably be by Cape Flyer season next summer that they'll be reliably out and about at least a few times per day on most lines. And it'll probably be end of next year before they're in sufficient numbers for them to start pulling the first old F40PH "Screamers" from service and putting them in long-term storage on the dead line at BET...where they will sit until probably early 2016 before they get taken away by MotivePower, Inc. for re-sale. And there'll be some grand finale "Farewell to the Screamers" fantrip revenue runs that winter.

The good news is that we've passed the last winter where there'll be equipment shortages. At least 2 new locos running by snow season this year, and a real-deal outright glut of coaches. So many that they'll probably be stuffing extras at Readville and maybe even some oddball places like the equipment yard at Alewife. None of the old ones are going to leave the property until the Kawasaki overhauls are 100% done in 2015.
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Great update F-Line. Thanks.
One question. Will the bike coaches (that run on the northshore lines and Capeflyer) be eliminated or will some of the Rotem/Kawasaki bi-levels be modified?
Re: Driven By Customer 'Service' Parte Dos

Great update F-Line. Thanks.
One question. Will the bike coaches (that run on the northshore lines and Capeflyer) be eliminated or will some of the Rotem/Kawasaki bi-levels be modified?

The only coaches being disposed right now are the 1986-87 era MBB single-levels with the bathrooms. The floors on those are so rotted out they're headed straight to the scrapper after the Kawasakis are all back from overhaul. They are far too shot to keep around any longer.

The bike/ski cars and Flyer cafe car are all converted Pullman single-levels, which (while old...1978, the first new coaches the T ever purchased) were recently rehabbed and are in the best condition of all the single-levels. They will be around till at least 2020-22. If the Rotem option order for 75 more bi-levels is picked up (probably a formality at this point) they'll dispose of all the Bombardier (circa 1987-89) cab cars so every train on the system has a mandatory rear bi-level with the ASA computer. And then pare some TBD third to half of the Bombardier blind coaches, leaving only the Pullmans and remaining Bombardiers as singles (finally a majority bi-level fleet). So depending on how many Bombardier singles they keep they could easily set aside a bunch more coaches for ad hoc conversion into specialty cars. It's not expensive for the shop guys to rip out a bunch of seats and install a bike rack...just takes a power drill and several hundred bucks worth of hangers. And not like the bike cars run so often they'd have to worry about wear and tear on those old singles. So you could potentially see bike cars appearing on every line with beach or hiking/trail destinations within 3 years. They'll have that many extra cheap beaters lying around the yard to play with as they see fit.

They do, BTW, need to exercise some Rotem options to keep the # of restroom cars constant. The retiring MBB's have bathrooms in both the blind coaches and cab cars. The Rotems only have bathrooms in the blind coaches because instead of taking out more seats the bathroom space is used for the engineer's cab. So they have to order some more blind coaches with bathrooms to be able to keep a bathroom car on every single train...which probably has some ADA implications they have to follow. So, yes, a formality that they'll tap at least a small number of those 75 options. And likelihood that funding will appear for all 75 like the stimulus grant to exhaust all of their locomotive options. They only get one chance to pick up or punt on those options, and would have to make that decision by no later than mid-'14 to keep the Rotem factory churning them out.
