Skimming the
3/23/23 board presentation, I found the numbers presented in a curious manner, that IMO seemed to take some pains to avoid noting anything about historical
actual operating headcounts.
The MBTA indicates it currently has approximately 5,600 (operating) workers as of Feb 2023 in that presentation.
But historical data (Slide 5) suggests that's....pretty poor?
FY15 - 5,996
FY16 - 6,142
FY17 - 5,834
FY18 - 5,559 ("VRIP" - early retirement packages/offers)
FY19 - 5,747
FY20 - looks to have been at ~5,870 as of Oct 2019.
FY21 - looks to have been at ~5,958 as of Sept 2020.
page 32 + was at ~5,439 as of June 2021.
page 8 (6351-438-474)
Someone else can feel free to check my numbers.
But it seems like in the past 1.5+ years we've managed to add...~150 (operating) positions, more or less. And we're still far below the pre-COVID peak or the pre-reduction peak in ~2015-16.
In that light, I'm not sure what the point of "budgeted headcounts" are when it seems like we're currently adding actual employees at a rate so slow that it'd take a decade or more to actually reach the FY23 budgeted numbers or anything close enough to be a realistic minimum of vacancies.
It also does seem to suggest one of the more obvious methods of improving the system: Actually staff the system.