Goodwin Procter HQ @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave - Parcel I | Seaport

Not to get off topic but what's planned for Parcel H? The chapel?

You're thinking of a different Parcel H. Seaport Square Parcel H has the chapel over on Seaport Blvd. Fan Pier Parcel H, the one who's adjacent to this building and whose foundation may be being dug or worked on in some way, is slated to be a slim building on Northern Avenue.

It appears in the Fan Pier master plan as "Residential/Hotel."
Yeah, refresher from the first page in this thread, pulled from this BRA presentation [PDF]:

Are there any renderings that we've missed or is the discussion for this building already happening in another thread that I'm unable to find?
Have to agree with the others about this one coming out much better than expected. The darker and lighter glass go very well together.
Is this the building with the multi colored lights at the top? There are at least two lit up buildings. I just noticed it this past weekend. Kinda cool.
Is this the building with the multi colored lights at the top? There are at least two lit up buildings. I just noticed it this past weekend. Kinda cool.

Pretty sure you're thinking of One Marina Park Drive, which, despite its daytime appearance, does pretty well for itself at night. (Animated light shows?!? Who'd have thought?)

One of the Vertex buildings also features colored LED strips, another has some diffuse colored lighting up top, and the Pier 4 tower has white LEDs up top.
Is this the building with the multi colored lights at the top? There are at least two lit up buildings. I just noticed it this past weekend. Kinda cool.

No .. this is clearly the building with a HUGE flag on it. Jeesh.

No .. this is clearly the building with a HUGE flag on it. Jeesh.

If sm89 was looking at the district at night or from an angle where the flag isn't visible, it's not an unreasonable question.
Pretty sure cca's comment was a joke. Sarcasm can sometimes be hard to perceive.
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Pretty sure cca's comment was a joke. Sarcasm can sometimes be hard to perceive.

Thus my campaign for a "sarcasm mark" for internet communications.

Did we miss the official groundbreaking or announcement for this parcel? There seems to be quite a lot of work being done here.
This building has received a lot of praise on this board, but to me it is a little overbearing and not very elegant. 101 Seaport has it beat by a mile in my judgement. I'm not sure that either one will be successful on ground floor interaction, but that remains to be seen.















