Goodwin Procter HQ @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave - Parcel I | Seaport

Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

Does anybody know just how much of the foundation work for 1 Harbor Shore Drive was included in the preparation for 100 Northern Avenue? There's been plenty of conversation that clearly the underground garage for 100 Northern extends outside of that building's footprint, but it isn't clear to me if it extends all the way under 1 Harbor Shore or just under the future street that will run up the western side of 100 Northern.

If the foundation for 1 Harbor Shore was built out entirely in the 100 Northern Ave preparation, I'd imagine that 1 Harbor Shore could rise pretty quickly.

Currently 100 Northern's foundation extends under the future Harbor Shore drive only.
I assume as the drive is moved to its new location there will be another excavation for foundation/parking for the new hotel.
Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

Currently 100 Northern's foundation extends under the future Harbor Shore drive only.
I assume as the drive is moved to its new location there will be another excavation for foundation/parking for the new hotel.

Smartiro -- While searching for something utterly unrelated I came upon a story in the BBJ about leaks in the Federal Courthouse -- Moakley Courthouse takes on water
Despite the fact that the story was approaching 10 years old Jul 30, 2007 -- I was not deterred as my prurient interests in things Federal drove me to press on

Water from the harbor has been leaking into the Moakley Courthouse basement since 2001

Michelle Hillman
Journal staff
.....After the meeting, Dilks told Richard Martini, director of development for the Fallon Co., that the "basement leaks like a sieve" and was surprised to find out that Fallon plans to dig down 34 feet from the surface of Fan Pier. Dilks commented that 34 feet was "way below us," in reference to the 20 feet the Moakley contractors went down. Dilks said GSA officials first started noticing the leaks in the basement only after the building had been open for three years......

...developer Joseph Fallon says he is not worried. "It's a matter of construction and who does the construction," said Fallon. "It just becomes a maintenance issue." Fallon said another of his buildings, Park Lane Seaport, leaked when it was finished. Park Lane is a residential complex on Northern Avenue in South Boston. The leaks were plugged with grout and are no longer an issue. "We're used to it in Boston," said Fallon. "Most of Boston is built on the water."

......Building on water is a costly and complicated endeavor that takes sophisticated engineering and construction methods. However, few sites are more complicated than Fan Pier, which consists of filled tidelands and is largely undeveloped except for the Moakley Courthouse. One of the main reasons Fan Pier went undeveloped was because of the tricky construction required to create underground parking. Rather than build a giant "bathtub" for parking underneath all of the buildings, Fallon decided to build the garages as each building was constructed.

So this old story about problems with dealing with the terrain underneath Fan Pier might provide the answer about the garages under the various buildings
Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

Interesting. And Pier 4 is probably even worse. I am not sure there's going to be any underground parking for the remaining 2 buildings there. Actually, not even sure how much of it is ground vs pilings.
Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

Smartiro -- While searching for something utterly unrelated I came upon a story in the BBJ about leaks in the Federal Courthouse -- Moakley Courthouse takes on water
Despite the fact that the story was approaching 10 years old Jul 30, 2007 -- I was not deterred as my prurient interests in things Federal drove me to press on

So this old story about problems with dealing with the terrain underneath Fan Pier might provide the answer about the garages under the various buildings

If Chiofaro ever builds his project, his proposed below ground garage would be twice (or more) as deep as Fallon's. The hydrostatic pressure would increase.


The general contractor the courthouse, IIRC, was Clark Construction, of Washington.
Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

Cladding is starting
Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

^ Makes the museum look like its part of the building
Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

That would have been an great idea if they actually pulled some of the datum (lines) across to the new building. Looks like they did not do that though. That would have been too good of an idea. I am sure it would have busted someones pro-forma or something.

Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

While it looks from the photos that the horizontal element of the ICA is paralleled in the new structure, it would have been way cool if the jagged line of the stairs on the side had been continued up this new box.
Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

What's going on with the harbour-facing side of that building? Is it actually a completely different tint?
Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

It's a glass box as a facade sampler.
Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

Re: Goodwin Procter HQ (Parcel I) @ Fan Pier | 90 - 110 Northern Ave | Seaport

Sure looks dreary next to the park. I don't think dark glass was the right choice here (or for 22 Liberty, for that matter)
